All you winners....a little help please....



  • 17DayDietGal
    17DayDietGal Posts: 27 Member
    Definitely eat more!!!!

    I've lost about 97-99 pounds since February of last year and without fail, when I added calories (healthy foods mind you!), the loss started up at a higher rate.

    It sounds like you're not eating 1,200 **net** calories. Try that and see how it works.
  • gretchenwb
    gretchenwb Posts: 70 Member
    I really enjoy this website! It is so entertaining, but very informative. I am going to increase my calories to meet my 1600 goal esp more protein, alternate jogging days with either strength training or cardio, and try to spread my eating throughout the day. I wouldn't want to jump in on the debate about whether or not smaller more frequent meals increase metabolism or not, I do know that combining protein with good carbs will even out my blood sugars during the day, which will effect my energy levels.

    So many of you have been down this road longer than I, and I really appreciate the advice.