What to eat after exercise

So, I go through this site a lot and see people looking for advice for post-workout nutrition... many people are saying sweet potatoes, chocolate milk, eggs, etc. They have the right ideas... carbs, sugars, protein... but it's what KIND that matters and when they're eaten.

First of all.. I'm going to share an email that my boyfriend (professional strength coach and gym owner) sent me to help me understand pre and post workout nutrition a little better.

"The pre-post workout meal should be the fastest digesting possible.

1. Whey hydrosylate: the best whey protein because it is fast digesting.
2. Carbohydrate: Dextrose (sugar) is the fastest digesting carbohydrate.
-Carbs are more important than protein.
3. Anti-oxidants
4. Electrolytes

Liquid digests faster than solid. Texture matters, so shakes are the best form.

Fruit covers carbs and anti-oxidants...but has fiber which slows digestion (good, but not the best).

Peanut butter, almonds & eggs all digest really slow so they are great morning or night choices, NOT pre or post workout.

Apples can be 2 hours before or after a workout...shouldn't be right before or after...too much fiber.

Oatmeal is great in the morning, never at night.

Bread should never be intentionally included in any situation."

Some examples of fast digesting/high glycemic carbohydrates are:
white rice
white bread
white pasta
fruits/veggies with low fiber (fiber slows digestion)
fruit spreads (jelly, jam, etc.)

I have a personal problem with "chocolate milk" because usually the second ingredient is "high fructose corn syrup"

Taking in any of these things DIRECTLY after your workout with protein is ideal.

Questions or Comments?

idesireedareyou.wordpress.com to view my meal and exercise diaries, plus awesome recipes :)