Anyone else have an aversion to drinking water?



  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I was a straight up soda drinker, and then when I decided to get healthy I quit it cold turkey and switched to nothing but water. It took a little adjustment time, but now I really like water. It's virtually all I drink.

    Try making sure it's ice cold water, or if your tap water has a weird taste, try a Brita filter. Most grocery shores also have water dispensers and it's like... 10 cents a gallon. My mom uses old Arizona Tea jugs to refill and drink, because her tap water gets bad tasting in the summers when things start to dry out.
  • beccas27
    beccas27 Posts: 200 Member
    I was in the same boat about drinking water till recently.. I went cold turkey on cokes all together... Forced myself to start chugging water.. I put in lemonade crystal light, cran-grape or even cut up cucumbers..

    1 of my MFP friends said cut up any fruit u like & put it in there.. It helps!!
  • kfitzpa
    kfitzpa Posts: 326
    I'm with you, it really grosses me out to drink water and I have no idea why. I've been doing a better job at it than usual but it has to be ice ice ICE cold.
  • rayvynn5374
    rayvynn5374 Posts: 272 Member
    Quite the opposite...I think I am addicted to it. I fill a gallon jug up every morning before work. By the time i get home at night, jug is empty and i still drink a couple of more glasses at night. I used to chug cokes like that too..I love Coke but that is only for "special occassions" now.
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I did not grow up a water drinker, either, but I found the more I do it, the more I begin to crave it.

    I use a Nalgene bottle that's 32 oz, and it becomes a challenge to make sure I finish it and refill it at least once during my workday. I have my coffee in the AM, and then by noon I make myself switch to H2O and won't allow myself to drink anything else (even wine/beer with dinner) until 64oz are gone.

    The other thing that works for me is mint gum...I actually find myself drinking water much more when I have gum in my mouth. And when driving.

    And just keeping it close by and making it your only option.
  • betteringmyselfeachday
    TRY SUPER DUPER ICE COLD! I like mine super cold with ice! It always works for me! Before you know it you will be a water addict!

    I also use the generic waterbottle flavor packets: lemonade, fruit punch, etc when I need something different.
  • mali240
    mali240 Posts: 126
    im the opposite, i love warm/room temperature water.. hate cold anything (except alcohol).

    also i realized if i put water in a particular bottle i can drink about 3 lts a day easily. but if i drink from another bottle or from different glasses i sturggle drinking even 1lt. i am just cray cray i guess lol
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    I go through phases of loving it and then feeling like I am forcing down toilet water.

    I don't know what the deal is but when I eat really healthy the water goes down so easily and I crave it. When I start to stray from healthy eating water is gross and unappealing.

    Maybe all in my head but this is what happens to me.
  • l3rob
    l3rob Posts: 28 Member
    I go through phases of loving it and then feeling like I am forcing down toilet water.

    I don't know what the deal is but when I eat really healthy the water goes down so easily and I crave it. When I start to stray from healthy eating water is gross and unappealing.

    Maybe all in my head but this is what happens to me.

    I think you have something here. Now that I think about it, I think its easier for me as well the healther I eat.
  • l3rob
    l3rob Posts: 28 Member
    I have trouble with water too and have to force myself to partake. I keep a 16 ounce water bottle and refill it throughout the day. Adding lemon/lime helps me to be able to sip on it, otherwise I gulp it down in big doses. I too found that it has become easier the more I do it. Oh, another thing that I love is club soda with lime. I have researched it and find conflicting information on whether or not carbonated water is an adequate substitute for plain old water. I carbonate my own filtered water so there is no sodium and I don't count it as a replacement for water.
    (I'd still rather have a Crown and Diet Coke....)

    I love carbonated water too, but with so much minerals in it, it MIGHT trigger a kidney stones. I limit it, but still drink it. Although I am with you. Just show me bottle of Crown and I am your friend :)

    Most people think drinking just club soda is disgusting, how weird is that!! And you know, if I drink my Crown with club soda I don't get as dehydrated as when I drink it with Coke.....
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    Don't drink tap water it tastes gross due to everything everyone dumps down drains. Get Nestle Pure Life bottled water. It has a good clean fresh taste because it's RO water (Reverse Osmosis). Yes it makes a huge difference! The ro process removes the chlorine and most of the fluoride removes the pharmaceuticals that are found in regular drinking water leaving behind clean fresh water that is safe and drinkable.

    This is how I cured my hate for water two years ago. Why drink toilet water when you can drink pure?? Cheers!:drinker:
  • BeSophisticate
    I have trouble with water too and have to force myself to partake. I keep a 16 ounce water bottle and refill it throughout the day. Adding lemon/lime helps me to be able to sip on it, otherwise I gulp it down in big doses. I too found that it has become easier the more I do it. Oh, another thing that I love is club soda with lime. I have researched it and find conflicting information on whether or not carbonated water is an adequate substitute for plain old water. I carbonate my own filtered water so there is no sodium and I don't count it as a replacement for water.
    (I'd still rather have a Crown and Diet Coke....)

    I love carbonated water too, but with so much minerals in it, it MIGHT trigger a kidney stones. I limit it, but still drink it. Although I am with you. Just show me bottle of Crown and I am your friend :)

    Mineral water has minerals in it, carbonated water does not. You can get mineral water that is also carbonated, but that is something different. Carbonated water is nothing more that water that has had Co2 pumped into it. Soda water, Seltzer, etc. . . .they are NOT all the same thing.
  • BeSophisticate
    The only way I can drink water is to take a tall glass (something like 24 ounces), fill it to the top with ice (and I mean all the way to the tippy tippy top), and pour water in around the ice. If the ice starts to melt, I add more ice. The problem with this is that it makes it very difficult to figure out how much water I'm actually drinking. I have to carry a 20oz bottle and my drinking glass with me every where I go, just to track my water.

    Or, I just drink Diet Dr. Pepper. :wink:
  • KrispieKaos
    I have a very hard time with water. I find plain water doesn't quench my thirst when I'm very thirsty. I use MiO. I've tried squeezing lemon in, but it hurts my stomach due to my horrible reflux. I have been forcing myself to drink water, but I have a very hard time drinking it.
  • hellosara08
    hellosara08 Posts: 140 Member
    I was just talking about this today with some MFPers. I can go days without ever drinking an ounce of plain water. In fact, at the moment, I think it's been about a solid week. >< When I do get water in, it's normally like 12-20 ozs at a time and I just straight chug it. Then a couple hours later, I do it again. or I try to drink 2 cup before I let myself eat a meal. Makes me head for the restroom a lot but what can I say. Another thing I'm going to try is only letting myself drink juice or ice tea (which I love love love) only after I've had a good couple of cups of water per time. Keeping my fingers crossed because it's that or Mio and drink mixes an that makes me feel like a cheater.:drinker: <---- H2O in those cups lol
  • Yeszna
    Yeszna Posts: 5
    I have over sensitive taste buds , so I can literally taste the trace minerals, lead and impurities in water.. and to me it dries my mouth out.. It is beyond disgusting... However if you can push yourself to get just 8 oz 8 times threw the day you will sooo completely feel better..... My husband has gone from 350 down to 317 and he attributes most of the loss to being properly hydrated.. He challenged me today to get all of my 8 glasses in before noon and I did it... I understand how it sucks but MAKE yourself do it ... just for 3 days ... if you don't feel a difference I will eat my sweaty shirt I worked out in today lol .... Just chug it a glass at a time... IT really helps to start to eat a strawberry or banana but instead of swallowing it put it in the side of your cheek .. it makes the water much more tolerable... Good Luck
  • lstockham39
    lstockham39 Posts: 26 Member
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    I squeeze lemon juice in mine... it's the only way I will drink it since I gave up fake sugars (and try to keep my total sugar intake to 5 grams per meal).

    I had a really hard time for the first week, but now it's all I want to drink. It's an odd sensation to actually LIKE water! But, I only really like it with the lemon juice. The lemon has the added benefit of helping to cleanse your organs too :-)

    Me too ... Ice cold and with lemon in it. I can also taste the minerals in tap water. We have filtered water on the fridge.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I have an aversion to drinking anything. I think I'm part camel; I go for days at a time without drinking anything. It's not safe, it's not healthy... I just don't get thirsty, and when I do, I'm good at accidentally ignoring it. I have to force drinks down, big gulps at a time. I do it with water, coffee, tea, diet coke, etc. I guess in my case, it doesn't really matter. As long as it's something. :P

    So there's one solution, right? Force it down...

    Or not. I don't know about you, but putting lemon and other fruits in my water just make it even more unappetizing. I say (this is probably a really unpopular opinion here) count your sodas and coffees and whatever else as water intake. I've heard many times that the body needs that '8' cup minimum... What they don't tell you is that you get a lot of your water intake from other fluids and from food too.
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    I hate water and how it makes me pee every 30 mins...the only time I actually LIKE water is when im real hungover in the morning!