30 lbs less since the start with pal!

And all together almost 80 lbs. The first fifty I lost a couple of years ago, but Ive been stuck on a size 16 and 230 for quite a while.
I decided to join here, and even though I dont use the tracker as much as I should, I keep somewhat score in my head. In the beginning I was loosing slowly, and then I joined the gym a couple of times a week and walking to the gym, I got rid of some stress in my life, changed birth control (so it controls my estrogen better) and 20 lbs fell of in 6 weeks. And I was cheating a little bit on the goodies..

I am gonna be honest, I have cheated here and there, so some weeks I have only lost half a pound instead of a pound. But I have told myself better slow and steady instead of completely falling off. and it seems to have worked.. Now I even can't eat too much goodies, it makes my tummy sick so i behave better and better out of negative reinforcement.

This is how I USED to look like before awful marriage. 180 lbs size 8

Three years after moving to the states. 280 size something xxl or so in shirts..

And NOW: 200 and size 12-13 Almost there!!

It is getting there.. and a lot of it is cause I have been sneaking on peoples success stories, it keeps you going. If they can, I can.. just not supermodels on tv.. Here is normal healthy people.. It has helped so much!
Thank you all!

(also, how do you post pics here?)


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