Any tips on how to get the scale moving again?



  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Your body is bored, everything used to be so new and fun but now it is stale and predictable.

    Shake everything up and refine your eating. I'd suggest some hardcore dedication for the next 5 weeks only take measurements and stay off the scale.
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Throw it out of the window of a moving car...that'll learn it.

    This one ^^^ It would definitly move the scale or jump up and down. LOL

    Seriously though that calorie cycling sounds interesting. Sounds like you have the jogging thing down. Maybe include some strength training also. Just keep at it and keep up the great work.
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    Your body is bored, everything used to be so new and fun but now it is stale and predictable.

    Shake everything up and refine your eating. I'd suggest some hardcore dedication for the next 5 weeks only take measurements and stay off the scale.

    Exellent Idea. I think I'm gonna do just that. I hit that scale way too much... I get really excited when it goes down - but equally disapointed when it goes up - even if it's by a tiny bit. I've just gotta hit it hard and strong for the next few weeks and shock my system.

    You guys all have really good suggestions :)