Trying for a new life and a new body

Hello everyone :)

I'm Trish. A 28 (29 in 2 weeks. Eek) year old single Mom. I have no idea what to say but wanted to say something! This is not my first 'big' weight loss attempt. I did this before about 5 years ago and got all but 10-15 pounds off. (Highest total loss was 105). Due to injuries, depression, a pile of health problems, and now my thyroid (which . . if I can get insurance sorted, will be removed soon) I now have a lot more to lose this time and. . to be honest, I don't think I can do it. What's the possibility of me actually having such a big weight loss twice?

I've had difficulties getting started. About 50 pounds ago I was walking 3 miles each day and I was constantly harassed - multiple people throwing things. . trash, food, drinks. Kept changing my route and . . kept getting harassed. I basically crawled back in my house and rarely come out unless it's at the park/something with my kid.

Right now I'm using Wii Zumba and Wii Fit Plus to help me get started. I'm not in a position financially to join a gym/classes - but hope to at least add on to my exercise options at home over time.

But I'm going to try and keep trying. I'm just worried that my mindset isn't right for the long haul. Not sure how to fix that though. I'm hoping over time confidence will creep back in.

That is my sob story! Sorry to those that had to listen to my whinging! . . But thank you for reading. :P


  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Welcome Dyskras!

    My heart went out to you when I read about you getting harassed on your walks. It's so sad to think that people this day and age would do such a thing but I have to admit that the same things have happened to me. I'm an adjunct college professor - there have been times when students have pointed and laughed and yelled rude things to me. But you know what? I kept going. Eventually they left me alone and I got better at running. I just figured they were jealous and at least I was out there doing something.

    Wii Zumba and Wii Fit Plus are a good start. I really love the Wii Fit plus but I will have to admit that I've never tried Zumba (maybe someday lol). At least you haven't given up and are out there doing something.

    Don't worry...the weight will come off if you just keep at it. Have some faith in got've done it before. You are welcome to add me....we can keep each other motivated. Your mindset will change as you get healthier and stronger.

    Take care and good luck!
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    I am trying to get to that mindset where 'Hey. . I'm here trying. .Shaddup' But not quite there yet. The very large tumors/nodules I have on my neck have made me feel worse when I'm out. I'll get there. I just couldn't stomach coming home and explaining to my son repeatedly that Mommy is covered in gross things because people think she's too fat to be out in public.

    The Zumba kicks my butt - but it's fun. I really am loving it. I'm hoping to pick up some weights soon and the combination of the 3 are a good start I believe.

    I added you. Thank you for your kind words. I don't get much of those and it's nice to hear some from people who understand.
  • carloc
    carloc Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Dyskras,
    You logged on and asked for help to get you started on your journey. That's the first step, welcome to MFP. I started here a few months ago, and love the changes, my confidence has been getting better all along this journey. I think this will happen to you as well.
    I started making small changes, add more fruit, take out bad food, add more veggies, do a little exercise etc, and now I have noticed how big all those little changes have added up. I don't go to the gym either, so I do all my exercise at home.

    Add me as friend on your journey.
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    Thank you for the welcome. I added you both!

    I hope so. I've drastically reduced my calories and I'm working out. Trying to work in more fruits and veggies and less carbs. . But I guess it's all just going to take time. I'm trying to prepare myself for the long haul - but maybe I'm thinking the wrong way. Maybe I should just think about trying to make each day a good day. I don't know. . Hrm. I'll figure it out eventually I hope :)
  • ali_supaslim
    ali_supaslim Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you find support in this community! I sent you a request to add.

    Let's do this!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Mind set is everything! I know several people who've lost and gained a significant amount of weight and have succeeded to keep it off the second time around for the last few years now.

    One of the mind set mantra's that has helped me recently is that I don't 'wish' or 'hope' to make my goal....I tell myself that I am 'on a mission'!! It's a proactive attitude. 'I'm going to get my exercise in today because I am on a MISSION'!, 'I am going to make healthy meal choices today because I am on a MISSION!'

    I also find that my body responds fastest to reduced carbs that I only eat early in the day after my workout. There is also a style of eating called Intermittent Fasting that really helps me curb my hunger. It's not about following a specific eating plan so much as revising the times you eat. It's really simple.

    Good luck to can do this! The more you get into it, the better you will feel and that will perpetuate even more forward momentum!

  • Welcome to MFP! This is definitely a step in the right direction. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    I'm trying to focus on high protein, lots of veggies, and low on sugar/carbs. ..But right now I just keep thinking PASTA!PASTA!PASTA!

    It is also helping to plan all my meals/snacks out the night before. . That way I don't just grab the first thing I see that 'should' work. I'm able to balance things better.

    I'm trying to switch my mind to that. I put on the workout clothes, turn on the music, and think I CAN DO THIS. I do it and even staying in my nutritional goals. . i still feel like something isn't right/that I'm messing up. I don't know how to turn off that default thinking. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. Gah. I don't know.

    Thank you for the kind words and welcome everyone. It's very much appreciated.
  • JMC529
    JMC529 Posts: 14
    You are already taking the first step...Welcome!! The Wii is a great idea since your walks didnt work out so well! YOU CAN DO THIS!! Better yet...WE CAN DO THIS! Added you as a friend!
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    Hey, Trish~

    Keep your chin up. What's that bumper sticker? - "Mean people suck!"

    If you've mastered the Wii Fit and Wii Zumba and want to keep changing things up, you might try Self magazine at They have toning and cardio suggestions for all fitness levels (even though the models are all uber fit.) I've had some decent success with the toning exercises (although have a long way to go!)
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    Yes, they do. I need to get a thicker skin. . But it's been a rough year and I'm just very. . raw, I guess.

    Thanks for the recommendations. I'm very tight on money, so any free options are great. I'm looking online and for DVDs. Debating on if I should switch it up now or wait until I get bored/used to things.