So confused with this low carb!! Please help

I have a couple of friends who have lost A lot of weight doing low carb.. They allow their self 150 carbs a day or no more than 50 carbs per breakfast lunch and dinner and they do not look at the calories at all.

I am trying this and can't get my head wrapped around it..

Per my fitness pal I can have 188 carbs a day.. Does this mean I can eat anything I want as long as I stay within these carb limits?
I am not coming anywhere close to that and I am not losing much at all..
Is there a web site I can learn about this? Years ago I did the Atkins diet but could only have 35 a day.. I don't like that because I feel so tired on it.

I am sure I am doing this all wrong... Ready to throw in the towel!!

Thank you


  • snowchj
    snowchj Posts: 45 Member
    Ignore your fad-dieting friends.

    1. Eat normally for two weeks, but diligently track your calorie intake and body weight.
    2. Total up all your calories during that time period.
    3. If you lost weight, add pounds lost x 3500 to the calorie total. If you gain weight subtract pounds lost x3500 from the total.
    4. Divide the total by the number of days (14 in this case).
    5. The resulting number is your TDEE. Eat 500 calories less than your TDEE everyday to lose 1lb per week.