5 pound weight gain..what???????



  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    I lost like 6 pounds in a week.. then I spent two days drinking cokes... then my legs and feet swelled up with edema (water--like a camel's humps except in my feet) and then after a day or so they went away but the weight still stayed... so finally after a week of no cokes it went back off.
    All I can say is drink water if you think it is water weight. I got so bugged I didn't want water and I've been drinkin sugar free koolaid and it works.
    The last two pounds were a pain but I drank 48 ounces of lemonade and 56 ounces of water in one day and I got back to my pre-camel weight.

    (yeah i get mad at the water and don't want to drink it--retarded really but thats just me)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    If you're lifting weights or working hard to make muscle, then you've probably succeeded.

    Muscle weighs more than fat.

    It would help ease your mind I'm sure, if you logged in daily, kept track of your activity & eating.

    Might even help if you kept up with your measurements.

    Both as a woman and at 1200 calories, she couldn't possibly have gained muscle. Do you have any ideas how hard it is for someone to gain muscle?? It take hard work, testosterone helps and it takes most importantly, A CALORIE SURPLUS!! Trust me, it's water weight not muscle or fat, unless you've overeaten 3500 calories above TDEE for every pound you've gained? I didn't think so.
  • sophiathedss
    sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
    I just joined the eat more weigh less group...finally....and I am being patient :) thanks for all the support! :)

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  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    I just joined the eat more weigh less group...finally....and I am being patient :) thanks for all the support! :)

    Glad to hear it! :) Feel free to friend me if you need encouragement. :)