protein powders/ whey powders??

alee37195 Posts: 13
Are ppl adding these things for vitamin benefits, or filling?? I am wanting to eat healthy as I lose this weight and know ppl use these but not sure why?


  • TiffanySuscheck
    TiffanySuscheck Posts: 123 Member
    I use it to make sure I get enough protein in my diet. It's easily and quickly absorbed right after a workout
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    The way my husband and I use them is for quick protein before and after heavy workouts. Especially when weightlifting it really helps with my endurance to have a scoop of protein powder (usually in water) before my workout and it helps with muscle soreness to have one after. You can always just eat protein, like in chicken, but I don't find it appealing to eat a bunch of chicken before I'm going to workout :)
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    I eat it because poultry and beef make me feel ill, so it helps me keep my protein intake high.
    If it wasn't for whey, I'd be wasting away!
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Most peopel use them to get enough protein in their diet, and also if you are somebody who lifts weights, they use this to help build muscle by taking it directly after working out. Some people on here will use them to make meal replacement shakes though.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    These are supplements. As such, if one cannot meet their protein goal through normal diet, i.e. actual food, due to whatever reason, then the convenience of whey protein powders are available to help meet protein goals.

    They are not meant to replace actual food.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I use them to make sure I get enough protein and to feed my muscles after a workout. They help you feel full and there are several that don't load you up with a day's worth of calories. Beware and read the labels!
  • heatherrose9
    heatherrose9 Posts: 122 Member
    i wasnt able to get enough protein in my diet, and kept binging because i was always feeling hungry!!! adding protein powders to my after workout morning meal and sometimes at night or throughout the day has kept my hunger at bay! :)
  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    You can use protein powders (or shakes) for so many different reasons!! I personally use GNC Pro Performance Whey Protein Complex powder, and mix it with a cup of coconut milk, some crushed ice, and blend. I drink it immediately after my workout. I am 5'7", 122 pounds and not looking to gain/lose weight - just maintain. But I workout hard 6-7 days a week and the protein shakes are a great source of amino acids which help so much with the repair & maintenance of muscles and muscle tissue. Also, while I'm NOT a vegetarian I tend to eat kind of vegetarian-ISH (if that makes sense!!) and find that I don't typically get the amount of protein I should be getting each day, so this is a big help in that area as well. The shakes also DEFINITELY are filling - I am usually done my workouts around 2 or 3 p.m., and have my shake and am full until dinner. Hope this was somewhat informative! I know the people at my local GNC are always super helpful. I have been using this particular protein powder for about a year and a half now. They helped me determine one that was good for me based on whether or not I was looking to gain weight/muscle or just maintain. Good luck!
  • theMIDDLE
    theMIDDLE Posts: 64
    I blend soy protein (with frozen bananas, kale etc) because I don't eat animals and it helps keep my energy up. However, there is a rather large misconception that people need massive loads of protein. Not really. Athletes, sure. Protein is essential and the shakes/supplements are an easy to get it without eating lots of meat and or getting really full. You can also eat nuts or greek yogurt to get a protein boost.
  • alee37195
    alee37195 Posts: 13
    Are ppl adding these things for vitamin benefits, or filling?? I am wanting to eat healthy as I lose this weight and know ppl use these but not sure why?
    Also, which ones do I buy??