
Everyone has their reasons for wanting to lose or maintain weight. But what about on bad days when those reasons seem so far away and make you want to just give up? What is everyone else's inspiration for those times? Sometimes, even listening to music may help, but not always. I almost gave up after a bad time during with the diet on my birthday. You see, I don't like to see it so much as diet, but as a change of lifestyle. Just don't know how to do this...


  • Kitzey
    Kitzey Posts: 214 Member
    I also think if it as a lifestyle... a new lifestyle I know I can live with for the rest of my life. You don't want to engage on a lifestyle that is going to be "hard" to maintain everyday... you have to let yourself celebrate once in awhile (not daily). With life we get thrown curveballs, have days where we have the munchies or those lazy "I don't feel like it day". It's not "quitting" we need to think about it's "how are we going to handle these days" with the new lifestyle. Choices is what got us fat and choices is what is going to undo it!! Find choices you enjoy and are better than the choices you made before :D I'm not saying you can never have the foods you had before... just make sure it's a choice you can fit into your day and tell yourself it's OK in moderation.

    Embrace yourself, you are taking the right steps now :) Give yourself credit for what you have accomplished; if you choose an apple for a snack instead of an old high fat goodie EMBRACE that success!! Everytime you exercise you are SUCCEEDING because you could have sat in front of the TV or computer all day. When you lose an iota of weight CELEBRATE your success in a positive way... look at a stick of butter if you have to and cut off that amount if you don't think it was enough to lose (trust me anything is good!) ... that is GONE from your body so it deems being celebrated.

    One of the things I have done is to keep 1 pair of pants and 1 shirt I used to wear... and occasionally on my "i'm feeling down days" I put them on! O M G nothing says "YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL" more than putting them on and seeing how far you've come!!

    You made the choice to be here!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!