Do you buy clothes in your "goal" size?



  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    Why don't you find and try a pair of size 8 jeans on that you like and see how far away from fitting you are.

    You can go back to the shop regularly nad keep trying them and the day they fit you buy them?

    All the incentive without the cost?
  • crazyjlyn
    crazyjlyn Posts: 225 Member
    Oh lord no! I'd find that terribly depressing
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I did when I first started out (started out in a very snug size 16 jeans should have prob been wear 18) I chose a size 10 dress and some size 10 jeans and hung them in my bath room they where great motivators :) and I met both those outfit goals happily and rocked them both.
    Now I`m currently a size 8 and not sure what to even guess my size at being when I reach my goal weight I`ve never been as small as I currently am so I`m just taking it a day at a time right now and will buy smaller sizes when I need them
  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    no, i am saving to buy all new clothes when i hit my goal! although i do have clothes that i have held on to from when i was smaller, and i use those as my motivation. it is always nice when one of them fits, but it's slow going! i am kind of enjoying seeing how big my old clothes are getting on me. i am using my belt as an nsv- i love when i have to take it down a notch!
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I don't have the money to buy things I cant wear lol but when I'm hitting the used stores if I find something super cute 1 size lower ill pick it up because ill be in it soon.
    Thats the very reason I buy clothes in my goal size...I can't afford to pay for clothes I can't wear, so I WILL have to get down to goal size :) I take all the tags off to I can't return them :)
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    *kitten* YES! Especially if it's on sale or somesort of discount. And if it's adorable. I feel it's tangible motivation. And, it's eating up my bank acct too, so that's a nice burn and another reason. :cheers:
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    This reminds me of a program put on by my school's psychological services. Basically, if you turned in that pair of jeans that was too small for you, you got a discount card for the Gap. It was to try to get people to be happy with their body.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I can't tell you how many times I've gone shopping and tried on the same jeans in a range of sizes, only to have none of them fit right. One size will be just way too small, the next size up might be a little too tight in the thighs, and the biggest size will be absolutely enormous in the waist, with a gap in the back so big that I could store a throw pillow. I can't predict where I'll lose fat from if I lose weight... I don't know if I'm going to continue to lose more from my waist, or lose from my hips, or what.

    Plus, as I've built some muscle, I'm a lot less squishy. I'm smaller by measurements, look way better, but I can't jam it all into tight fitting clothes like I did when my *kitten* was the consistency of marshmallow fluff. So an old pair of jeans that I could zip last summer before I started strength training are painfully tight now on my higher, rounder, firmer tush.

    Without calling the Psychic Friends Network, there's no possible way I can predict what's going to fit and flatter in the future. I'm sure as hell not going to have a pair of jeans make me feel bad about my body.
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    I have a pair of jeans that I bought a size smaller than what I am...Oh it is hysterical week on week watching me struggle to get the things on! I have a right ole laugh! But soon .... they will fit!!!
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    Oh, hell no. If it doesn't look good when I try it on, I forget it.

    I can take a zillion items into the dressing room IN MY REAL SIZE and have very few of them fit. Or if they do fit, they don't always fit RIGHT. I don't know exactly where any weight I lose is going to come from... my body shape is different than it was last time I was this thin.

    Being able to zip into a certain size isn't a goal for me. Looking frickin' fantastic in whatever size happens to fit and flatter is.

    This is how I feel too. I have to try everything on to know how it's going to fit. I could spend good money on a smaller size and even though I may physically fit into it later it may not look great.

    And yeah, I don't have a goal size. I'll know when I get there. I will feel good and healthy and not cringe at my pictures. That's all I ask for.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I sometimes buy one size down, and work my way into things.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    :laugh: YES:laugh:
    I did this for motivation.
    Every week I'd get them out and try them on, looking like a stuffed cannoli most of the time.
    Little by little I noticed changes, and today?
    I wear them:drinker:
    I just set my new goals, and I bought some select sizes that represent peak fitness.
    It will take me a year, but by this time in 2013 - BING!
    Well, unless the world ends Dec 21st, 2012....:bigsmile:
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I tried on some crop jeans that were slightly tight (but I could still do up) and bought them at that size (they did not have the next size up) only because I really wanted them and knew it would not take more than a few pounds to feel comfy but I would not buy something deliberately in a goal size as I am not really sure what that will be. I have a goal weight, (which may go a llttle lower once there) but it is hard to buy clothes in different sizes since shops don't have a uniform agreement on sizes (UK anyway) and body shape does not totally match weight. I am hoping to start heavy weights at some point and that may push up weight while slimming down sizes!
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    I bought a couple of new things when I first started this journey, and only wore them a couple of times before they were too big :( But as I get closer to goal weight, I have been shopping for clearance items, as I don't want to spend a ton of money. I also keep two buckets of clothes in my closet, one for "Too Big" (clothes to donate) and one for "Too Small". The "Too Big" bucket is almost full, and the other is nearly empty :) I also raided my skinny sister's closet and took all her fat clothes (sizes 8-10) and am thrilled to have some "new to me" clothes. I have 13 pounds to my goal weight, so I have no idea what size I'll ultimately be. I hate wearing clothes that don't fit, so it's a constant struggle in my closet!
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    I already have a whole closet full of beautiful clothes that I can't wear, they don't sit right or I just currently feel really conscientious in them I am not going out and buying more.

    It got to the point that I would go to get dressed and see a HUGE closet full of clothes that I couldn't wear and I found it so depressing that I had to alternate between the couple pairs of pants and shirts that I could still squeeze my body into that I ending up moving all of my clothes into a secondary closet.

    So I will pull them out once in awhile and see how they are fitting and slowing I can introduce new pieces into my wardrobe. So it's kinda nice because it's like I am going on a shopping spree but it is 100% free. I believe soon enough I will have my full wardrobe back and that will be a amazing reward for all my hard work.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    i do but it's usually just one article of clothing for an interim goal size.
    so like i bought a lace black dress for my bf's bday in sept. then i'll buy a dress for my bday next jan.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    I would be hesitant about it. Only because for me... I've been an 18/20 for a long time and even if I lost another 20 I am not sure my clothing size would go down. Not sure what wt I was at the last time I was a 14/16. I think about 190 ? which is 40 from where I am now and 60 from my start. It's really odd that I'd have to lose 60lbs to go down a size. But it's kinda lookin that way.

    I do have a few dresses and a pair of jean that are smaller that would be my goal size.
    2 of the dresses I never wore because they didn't fit.

    If I found something I absolutely loved and set a realistic goal to be able to wear it. .... I might buy it.
    But I'd have to LoVE it!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I don't because the last time I was at my goal weight of 130 pounds, it was 1995! Women's sizes have changed so much since then. I think back then I was a size 7? maybe a 5. I'm just not sure what size I will be at my goal weight. I'm lucky in that most of my clothes are skirts and I know how to sew, so I can easily take them in. I will probably have to buy new dresses though, as altering the size on those is beyond my tailoring skill level. Pants, meh, I rarely wear pants anyway, but will probably buy a pair or two. Will also have to buy new tops, as currently most of my tops are too big/baggy as it is for my current size (my attempt to hide the fat LOL).
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I have some old clothes in smaller sizes that I'd like to fit in again, but no, I haven't bought anything new in a smaller size.