If you were 310lbs how would YOU weight?

Lets say you were a 5'8" male, 310lbs and 31 years old. How would you go about losing 110 lbs?

1. How many calories would you eat per day?

2. How much protein would you take in?

3. How many carbs per day?

4. How much exercise would you do?

5. What kinds of exercise would you do?

Just curious.



  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    My highest weight was 264 pounds. I have tried everything to drop weight etc! I started working out last Aug did the SAD diet for 5 months lost 3 POUNDS! the entire time. Went to the doctor found out I had some serious health/hormone issues and most of them were causing me not to drop weight: Things like insuline resistant, gluten alergry and PCOS.

    I am currently doing a version of atkins phase 1 eating 20-25 carbs a day mostly from veggies/greens. Cut out fruit because of the sugar etc (personal health problems). I dont restrict my calories what so ever. I was eating 1200 calories a day burning 2000-3500 calories a day (got a body bug to monitor it) lost no weight. Up my Calories to 2000-2500 I drop weight consistently now!

    When I started dieting in Aug I was going to the gym 5-6 times a week working out 1-2 hours etc. I lost 3 damn pounds. Since my doctor suggested to go low carb because it was obvious I had some form of insulin resistance and BAM weight started droping. I currenly dont workout because at work I am on my feet 5-8 hours a day running around non stop. However once I quit this job I will start out maybe walking or doing weights since I really need to tone myself up :)!
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I'd pretty much do what I did when I was a 5"11 male and 136kg and had to lose 51.

    Except I'm only half way there.

    1) Some kind of deficit above and beyond what MFP says I should eat. I want to lose weight faster.

    2) About 200g or more

    3) under 200 hopefully, under 150 would be better and under 100 is hard, but doable.

    4) Heaps. 5-7 days a week.

    5) Strength training and cardio.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    Lets say you were a 5'8" male, 310lbs and 31 years old. How would you go about losing 110 lbs?

    1. How many calories would you eat per day?

    2. How much protein would you take in?

    3. How many carbs per day?

    4. How much exercise would you do?

    5. What kinds of exercise would you do?

    Just curious.


    I weighed 288 when I started, 5'6". I put in my stats onto MFP and just looked at calories. I think it started off as 2400. I didn't look at protein or carbs. I got a treadmill and started using it. At first I was doing 2.5 mph for about 30 minutes. Now I try to do an hour 5 days a week, increasing the incline when it's taking me longer to get to my target heart rate.

    ETA: I now walk at 3.4 mph.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    1. How many calories would you eat per day?

    Your BMR is around 2650 cals per day
    Your sedentary TDEE is around 3180 cals per day
    So let's aim for 20% below TDEE to lose weight - I would eat around 2500 calories per day and I would eat back half of my estimated exercise calories.
    2. How much protein would you take in?
    3. How many carbs per day?

    Don't worry about it. At 310lbs weight loss is far more important than macro balancing. Get into that stuff when you are in the low 200s instead. For now just aim for plenty of protein and moderate carbs and fat within your daily allowance.
    4. How much exercise would you do?

    I'd start with walking 30 mins 3-4 times a week.
    5. What kinds of exercise would you do?

    Walking and strength training.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I'd suggest a few things, pick a realistic goal for yourself. You might be able to lose 2 pounds a week, but you might be more satisfied with 1 pound.

    Next get in the habit of accurately recording what you eat. It's surprising how much you'll cut back just from being aware of what you're eating. Start off with the protein, fat and carbs that MFP recommends. Once you've got a handle on it you can decide if you want to up the protein, go low-carb, or whatever. Lots of people recommend you up your protein to 1g/pound of lean body mass. That's up to you.

    For exercise, start out walking as much as possible. Adding some weight lifting, eventually, will also be a big help in the long run.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I started out at 6'1" 305 and 35.

    I started out pretty crude, but basically, I knew that a decent rule of thumb was if I wanted to weigh 200 lbs, that I needed to eat about 2000 calories. So, thats how I started out - just casually logging things on fitday.com. I did that for a couple of weeks and lost weight. Then I started throwing in exercise a little at a time - just walking and being more active in general.

    I hit a couple of plateaus that got me to "sharpen the pencil" and get more detailed like paying attention to WHAT I was eating as well as how much, making sure I was eating enough protein, logging EVERYTHING and measuring my food instead of the old faithful eyeball. I joined MFP and set up my goals using BMR and loss rate. I changed my calorie percentages to 40% carb/ 35% protein/ 25% fat. I also started exercising more.

    Up to this point, I won't say it was easy, but it wasn't hard. I was making small changes and seeing results because I was SO overweight to start, that anything I could do that was better was going to make a difference. However, the more in shape you get, the more you have to work for the changes.

    I hit a massive plateau along the way (at about 235 lb) and really lost some steam for a few months. I know now that if I had just kept doing it, I would be at my goal right now, but I got down about it and started slacking and quit seeing results. Once I finally decided to finish this, I got serious about things. I set up my goals on MFP again, log all my food EVERY day (no freebies on the weekend - even if I go over, I log it, otherwise it is too convenient to just be like "screw today - I already ate a piece of cake, no harm in eating a hamburger because today is trash anyways" - thats bad logic!), I bought a HRM and a fitbit so I really have a better understanding of my calorie expenditure and I am pretty meticulous about logging my food and I also started eating back my exercise calories and exercising more religiously as well (4x/wk on a schedule that NO ONE messes with! lol). Still, not killing myself, but not as easy as before.

    I'll stop there, as I could probably write a thesis about what I think works and why, but this is getting longwinded as is!

    As for your questions:

    1. How many calories would you eat per day? Set up your goals in MFP and follow it. As long as you are honest about your activity and intake, it works. Use the sedentary setting and just log any additional activities you do.

    2. How much protein would you take in? It was important for me to maintain my muscle mass, so I made sure to eat about 0.75-1g protein/lb of LEAN mass. You'll need to get a scale that can tell you body fat % if you want to be accurate, but probably around 130-140g/day for you as a guess based on your height. I am 170 lb lean, but have always been a little muscular.

    3. How many carbs per day? It doesn't matter as long as you are getting enough protein and it fits into your calorie goals.

    4. How much exercise would you do? SCHEDULE YOUR EXERCISE REGULARLY. I do 4x/wk, but you could do more or less. The main thing, is set aside a time that is dedicated for exercise and nothing else.

    5. What kinds of exercise would you do? I like this machine at the gym called a Cybex Arc Trainer, but walking, elliptical, rowing, etc are all good. Also do some resistance training as well. My typical workout is 45 minutes of cardio followed by strength training. I do chest and back one day and then biceps, triceps, and shoulders the next. I don't lift with my legs because my legs are very muscular naturally and the arc trainer is a resistance machine of sorts.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I would aim to eat on average my TDEE minus 1000 calories/day. I would listen to my true hunger level (not my mouth or boredom or the tv or the forum) and eat more as needed, or less as satiated. I would not worry about macros much, especially if I ate fairly healthy and varied foods. I would do what exercise types and level I enjoyed. If none, I would walk, building up to 10,000 steps a day. I would add strength training after some of the weight came off.