


  • melisha922
    melisha922 Posts: 19 Member
    Melatonin is wonderful... but like everything, moderation is good. I've never had the nightmare symptom so I can't speak to that. However, I have also only used it to get my brain back to it's regularly scheduled maintenance of naturally produced Melatonin. My MIL (an RA) says that you can use it to "reset" your brain. Basically, by using it for a short time your body learns to naturally produce that much of the chemical- leading to better sleep habits. It won't, however, cure sleep issues non-related to Melatonin production. So you may need to take your son to the Doc if the supplement doesn't work after a short period of time.
  • Naytahlee
    Naytahlee Posts: 53 Member
    I started taking melatonin a month or so ago because of my insomnia. I haven't noticed much of a difference. In fact, this week was worse than most. I only take the 3mg tablets because I read something that warned against taking too much. For those of you who take this or give it to your children (basically those who know more about it than I do), what dose are you using? Maybe I need to up my dose?? My doctor gave me sleeping pills, but I don't like to take them because they make me dizzy.

    From what I understand you're supposed to take as much as needed to see results. More is not better with Melatonin. Start with the 1-3 mg and see what happens. The 3mg works for me if I let it. I can also "power through" it and stay awake because its not at all like taking sleeping pills. When I take the pill I go lay down, it takes about 15-20 minutes to work. If you've really given it an honest shot and its not working then increase the dose.
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    I just heard about this a few months ago and started using it for my occasional insomnia. I also started giving it to my 13 yo. It helps us both with no side effects. We take 3mg.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I started taking melatonin a month or so ago because of my insomnia. I haven't noticed much of a difference. In fact, this week was worse than most. I only take the 3mg tablets because I read something that warned against taking too much. For those of you who take this or give it to your children (basically those who know more about it than I do), what dose are you using? Maybe I need to up my dose?? My doctor gave me sleeping pills, but I don't like to take them because they make me dizzy.

    From what I understand you're supposed to take as much as needed to see results. More is not better with Melatonin. Start with the 1-3 mg and see what happens. The 3mg works for me if I let it. I can also "power through" it and stay awake because its not at all like taking sleeping pills. When I take the pill I go lay down, it takes about 15-20 minutes to work. If you've really given it an honest shot and its not working then increase the dose.

    My problem isn't so much GETTING to sleep, it's STAYING asleep. I take it generally about 30 minutes before I go to bed. I fall asleep easily. Then a couple hours later I wake up and stare at the ceiling for a few hours. Then I fall asleep again just in time for the alarm to go off. It's frustrating. I've been taking 3mg for about a month now. I'll try doubling that for a little while and see if it helps. Thanks for your input.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Talk to your doctor. Melatonin supplements haven't been studied a whole lot in children. I personally use a tablet by Hyland's called Insomnia. Such a creative name, I know. But it works, and it's safe for children and adults with no grogginess.

    While I agree that they should talk to their doctor melatonin is natural and it's produced in the brain. It is not addicting and no grogginess when you wake. I use it every night. Sometimes I take two capsules.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Talk to your doctor. Melatonin supplements haven't been studied a whole lot in children. I personally use a tablet by Hyland's called Insomnia. Such a creative name, I know. But it works, and it's safe for children and adults with no grogginess.

    While I agree that they should talk to their doctor melatonin is natural and it's produced in the brain. It is not addicting and no grogginess when you wake. I use it every night. Sometimes I take two capsules.

    Yes, I know it's created in the brain. But taking a supplement is not the same as making it in your brain. The last time I researched it (about 3 months ago), it was being used in adolescents with ADHD, but not recommended for younger children or children without ADHD. And when used in children, the recommendation is to use it under a doctor's supervision.