Trying to get back on hard

bbonito08 Posts: 12 Member
I lost a lot of weight in 2008. I went from 320 lbs to 180. I had the gastric bypass. Then I had my baby and it completely screwed with my eating habbits, and exercize because my baby is sooo clinggy that i find it hard to get out and motivated. I have no money for a gym. I am back up to 200 lbs. I want to get down to 160..... did anyone else find it hard to get started? This is my 2nd day to get up early before the baby and go for my walk. and I was tempted with Mc Donnalds Today..... I lost.... But I only got an Ice tea and a burger, and I havent went over my calories..... So why do I still feel guilty about it?


  • kmpawley
    kmpawley Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, getting started is always hard. Just take one day at a time. Don't feel guilty about eating the burger and tea. You are under your calories so celebrate that. If you do slip up the next time you eat choose something better for you. This always helps me not feel too bad. I would be happy to help you and you can help keep me on track also. Your welcome to add me as a friend/support person.:tongue: