Does anyone input their food ahead of time?



  • ajohn252
    ajohn252 Posts: 158
    I do it every night for the next day and it really
    helps me stay on track because I'm not making food
    decisions on the fly or out of desperation.
  • kacinace
    kacinace Posts: 70 Member
    I do the whole day in advance, but swap items as needed. It's the best way I've found for me to not be eating most of my calories in the am and being screwed for the rest of the day, or having to stuff my face in the evening because I didn't eat enough earlier.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i pre log my last meal so i can target all my macros for the day.
  • kristi5224
    kristi5224 Posts: 98 Member
    I think this is very helpful especially when eating out. I look up the restaurant on line, and make my choices before I get there. Looking at a menu and making the right choices after a glass of wine or in a social situation can lead to poor decisions.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Whenever possible!
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I do this as well. But more to remind me that I had a really good meal plan idea! lol And if it's something sweet or slightly unhealthy then it let's me know how many calories I have left to play with :P
  • eidnahenri
    eidnahenri Posts: 16
    I do sometimes, over morning coffee. If I know, I'll more than likely have something, I'll put it in. I also like to play around with possible food options and see their nutritional values and go by that to figure out what I'll ultimately eat.
    This is what I do.
  • mmarin81
    mmarin81 Posts: 241
    I log ever day the day before. I find it best so like you said you realize you arent really depriving yourself and also at the same time to make sure you don't deprive yourself. For me its also easier to stay to a plan then wing it as I go along.
  • roobe18
    roobe18 Posts: 45 Member
    I try to have an idea in my mind the day before, but I don't like inputting the calories until right before I eat them. For me, I feel like I'm setting myself up for failure if I pre-plan too much because inevitably SOMETHING will change. Either I won't be in the mood for what I picked, or someone will bring treats into the office that I just cant resist, or the restaurant I had planned to go to will be too full... it's always something. In the past, when I've planned ahead too much and I then deviate from that plan, it sets me into a spiral of thinking "oh well, I've failed, guess I'll just eat the entire box of donuts now".Or, on the flip side of that, if I've planned ahead and then refuse to allow myself to deviate, I end up cranky and mad that I'm having to deny myself something everyone else can have... which usually results in my eating an entire box of donuts later that night as retribution. So it works best for me to allow flexibility. I DO, however, insist that I enter my calories before I eat them... usually right at the dinner table. Sometimes my family thinks I'm crazy, but oh well.. it works for me.

    That said, do what works best for you! If it helps you to plan ahead, do what you've got to do! :) Good luck to you!
  • emileesgram
    emileesgram Posts: 141 Member
    I sometimes put in 100 miscellaneous calories at the beginning of the day to account for all the little calories I eat but don't record ( tea, dash of milk, piece of gum etc.) but if I know ahead of time my meals I often put them in before I eat them helps me with planning, I can always adjust if things change..good luck.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Yes, to make sure I hit the macro targets I want and so that I know how much room I have left over.
  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    I do. I do not currently have a smart phone so I have to do all my updating on an ipod touch or my computer. I input my breakfast and what I plan to eat for lunch before I leave for work in the morning and then update again for dinner and I try to plan my snacks and input them ahead of time too.
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    I do! It helps me to figure out what fits into my parameters. I don't do it all the time but it's good for planning ahead.
  • kfitzpa
    kfitzpa Posts: 326
    Yep I always log my food the night before. I make sure Ill have enough protein to sustain me throughout the day and that I'm under my calorie limit of course. I find it helps me stress less about what I'm going to eat throughout the day. And it keeps me from binging when I don't feel so restricted and ball and chained to immediately logging into MFP.
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    I used to do this & even logged the whole weeks dinners ahead of time. That way it was less hassle when I came home from work too, I knew what I was cooking & it was easier to stick to it.

    And thank you for reminding me, I really should be doing this now. I've slipped a bit & gained a bit!
  • coopersmom2006
    I'm a bit obsessive about it actually. I have my diary planned a few days in advance. I find it helps me make better choices instead of trying to figure it out as I go.
  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    I put it all in before i go to work each day since i have to figure out my best lunch/snack options (although ive almost got it figured out w/o MFP) I think its just easier to put it in all at once and not have to worry about it unless i find myself switching something up or eating something unplanned. Just easier for me I spose, its been working so far!

    Congrats on your weight loss and almost hitting your goal! GL!!
  • PirateLookingAt40
    I just started this on Tuesday and figured out right away if I enter my workouts and meals then I am more likely to stick to it since it is there in writing.
  • melissa_leah
    melissa_leah Posts: 107
    I've done that before, it definitely helps!
  • cms721
    cms721 Posts: 179 Member
    Yes I "pre-order" my calories just to save some time. I know what I have in my lunchbox and I add beers prior to a night out to guage my exercise time to keep me in "the good".