Want to know the basics~ WITHOUT reading the books

I know there are a ton of great, informative books out there... on everything from eating clean, lifting for women, BMR and TDEE, body fat percentages, inspirational, low carb, low fat.... the list goes on and on and on and on and on.
I know there are a ton of exercise videos/workouts from P90X, Jillian Michaels, Yoga, Pilates, C25K..... the list goes on and on and on and on and on.
(I'm very interested in eating clean AS POSSIBLE, and lifting heavy...and I am already doing P90x, and looking to include 30 day shred)
I appreciate that all of this vast wealth of knowledge exists, and all I have to do is order 12,000 books/things/equipment ~ and the world will be at my doorstep....
But to be honest, I don't have time to read all these books. I've been trying little by little to get healthier.. eat less, eat better, exercise more, which they say is the key to success.
I'm a BUSY mother of 4, trying to get healthy while her husband is also on deployment. I barely have time to shower and paint my toes. I don't have time to read everything I would like to know about (Plus I don't think its necessary. Most books are like TV shows.... 55 mins of crap or commercials to get to the results in the last 5 min. lol)

I'm not knocking the books... I'm just stating I don't have time to sit there and read them.
Any advice or tips from books you have read, videos you have done, or just diet and exercise tips in general that you have learned, that you can please share?
