Hi , just want to saya big thankyou to all who gave me advice on lifting. I just have a couple more questions. sorry peeps :(

1. Does it matter if I am using weight machines aswel as dumbels?

2. When working my legs, I have been doing deadlifts, but also using the leg press at 50kg, and the adductor machine and abductor manchine for inner and outer thighs. Are these ok?

3. Does it matter that Im lifting quite heavy on my legs as I have quite heavy thick legs already?

Thanks again guys :) xx


  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    Im new at it too but this is what I have noticed. Machines give you a false sense of strength. At the gym I can bicep curl 40lbs on the machine, on free weights/dumbbell its more like 25lbs. Machines are designed to *help* you with learning form.

    This is what my ex trainer told me: start with machines to learn form, next graduate to cable machines, last is free weights, thats where you will build your strength.

    I am doing all free weights now.
  • Hi , just want to saya big thankyou to all who gave me advice on lifting. I just have a couple more questions. sorry peeps :(

    1. Does it matter if I am using weight machines aswel as dumbels?

    2. When working my legs, I have been doing deadlifts, but also using the leg press at 50kg, and the adductor machine and abductor manchine for inner and outer thighs. Are these ok?

    3. Does it matter that Im lifting quite heavy on my legs as I have quite heavy thick legs already?

    Thanks again guys :) xx

    I use both as i like to mix routines! never do same one for more than 12wks
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    1. Does it matter if I am using weight machines aswel as dumbels?
    I use both, they all work great if you use proper form and go hard!

    2. When working my legs, I have been doing deadlifts, but also using the leg press at 50kg, and the adductor machine and abductor manchine for inner and outer thighs. Are these ok?
    don't forget leg curls and leg extension. Also lunges are great for the booty! Another thing is if you aren't going heavy enough and having to really flex those muscles then you won't get the most out of your workout imo.

    3. Does it matter that Im lifting quite heavy on my legs as I have quite heavy thick legs already?
    No way! Go as heavy as you can without hurting yourself. I also have thick legs and lift heavy. The more muscle you build the more fat it will burn.
  • militarydreams
    militarydreams Posts: 198 Member
    Dumbells and barbells are much better at developing stabilising muscles giving you a more 'functional' strength. Do what's comfortable but if you're new to weightlifting then machines help unless you're sure of what you're doing.

    Squats and deadlifts are godly exercises, even more so for the begginner. Don't get too bogged down with isolations until you stop seeing progress on your compound lifts. Bench and weighted pullups or rows are the other big ones.

    Edit: I just realised what I was suggesting, squats can be dangerous so be careful with form or ask someone to watch you.

    As for weight on your legs here are the APPROXIMATE rules: 1-7 reps is your strength (little mass) range, 8-12 is your hypertrophy (mass), 13-20 is your strength-endurance (little mass)... anything over 20 is leaning towards cardio work.

    Bottom line, do whatever the F you want to do... don't worry about it as long as you're having fun. In the beginning you'll make leaps forward no matter what you do, throw weights around and enjoy yourself!
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    1. Does it matter if I am using weight machines aswel as dumbels?
    I use both, they all work great if you use proper form and go hard!

    2. When working my legs, I have been doing deadlifts, but also using the leg press at 50kg, and the adductor machine and abductor manchine for inner and outer thighs. Are these ok?
    don't forget leg curls and leg extension. Also lunges are great for the booty! Another thing is if you aren't going heavy enough and having to really flex those muscles then you won't get the most out of your workout imo.

    3. Does it matter that Im lifting quite heavy on my legs as I have quite heavy thick legs already?
    No way! Go as heavy as you can without hurting yourself. I also have thick legs and lift heavy. The more muscle you build the more fat it will burn.

    What she said