Vibration Plates? Are they any good?

I've been looking into getting some excersice equitment for my home to keep me on track & get me moving a bit more after work.

I've already decided that a cross trainer/bike should be a good start, an some small hand weights ect. But I've stumbled across this & it's meant to help tone you up aswell as improve circulation and help with bad backs/legs.

Does anybody own one or use one regularly that could give me some advice?

At £300 it's not too cheap so don't want to run out & buy one just to test it & I'm not a member at a gym



  • anna9102
    anna9102 Posts: 56
    They're brilliant! But to be honest, you can lose weight and tone up without them if you don't want to pay so much for one. They just intensify your strength training
  • I'm happy to pay the money if the reviews are good on them. I've researched a little online but I thought here might be my best bet because I know more people are dedicated on here than on the sites that sell them. Well I assume so really :-)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    They do work, especially the ones that you find in gyms..(I lost several inches from using them a while back but then I got siactica in my hip and put it down to all the 'jiggyling' about!). I have one at home that isn't as powerful/good but it still keeps me toned. Its not a workout though, I always feel like I'm cheating! We really need to get moving in general as its better for us long term.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you can afford to buy a gym quality machine they do offer some interesting benefits but (interestingly the banner ad being displayed right now is the "60 minute workout that only takes 10 minutes" one hyping machines) like many other gadgets in the world of fitness and weight management the sellers tend to get a little creative in interpreting and extrapolating data.

    Personally I wouldn't buy one, I'd rather spend less money and buy a good pair of running shoes and a decent weight bench. I like to keep it simple.
  • @Ruth thats what I was thinking. It doesn't seem that it could give a good work out for what it does.. I was kinda hoping so though!!

    & Brian, I'm not a runner, wish I was, maybe one day!

    I don't want to spend a whole ton of money but I'm willing to break into savings, as I think it's a worth while investment getting some equitment in :-)