Feeling extreme weakness & nausea this morning- HELP!!



  • Goodmorning! I believe the reason your feeling dizzy is because your not eating enough calories. You ARE working out which is awesome! But you do need to replenish your body with some calories. I'm 5'4 and WITH exercise I know I need atleast 1500 to feel good and strong :) I have a passion for clean eating so I could give you some good snack ideas to fill in some of those missing calories. You should have atleast 1200 calories if not more if your ACTIVELY exercising, don't be afraid to boost those up a bit, I know youll feel better! Ps. Protein is important too a balance. Hope this helps some, good luck to you!

    Thank you for your feedback & yes, I would love some snack ideas!! :)
  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    I just looked at your diary and you're not eating enough,you need to NET a minimum of 1200 calories. Eat back those exercise calories hun!

    Make an appointment with your doctor just to be safe and get checked out.

    Actually, no you don't. I had this conversation with my dietitian. In order for me to have a "net" 1200 calories yesterday, I would have had to eat over 3,000 calories.

    If you start losing weight too rapidly, then you need to adjust your calorie intake higher. If you're staying around 1-2 lbs a week, then you are fine.
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    EAT! There is a reason you earn more calories with exercise!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Starvation diets are unhealthy.
    Follow MFP recommendations, or you'll suffer some serious consequences at some point.
    Maybe you've heard this before? I suspect so.
    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    When I first started my whole regimen I was feeling lightheaded and dizzy a lot too. But I kept in mind that I have never worked out so much or had a proper diet, so my body was probably just shocked. I kept hydrating myself, and some days I went over on calories a little just so my body could handle the changes. I also started taking a multivitamin.
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    Hope you are ok... what is Xyngular ? Could it be doing something to you? If it is a diet supplement, it could have something in it to make you loopy. ALSO, you are not eating enough.... I exercise hard, too - like you do, but IMHO, you should eat your calories back... I get spacey if I don't eat enough with exercising like I do... also as someone said, you could likely be dehydrated.... good luck :)
  • I just looked at your diary and you're not eating enough,you need to NET a minimum of 1200 calories. Eat back those exercise calories hun!

    Make an appointment with your doctor just to be safe and get checked out.

    Actually, no you don't. I had this conversation with my dietitian. In order for me to have a "net" 1200 calories yesterday, I would have had to eat over 3,000 calories.

    If you start losing weight too rapidly, then you need to adjust your calorie intake higher. If you're staying around 1-2 lbs a week, then you are fine.

    Thanks for the feedback! It took me about 6 weeks to lose my last ten pounds so I don't think I am losing too fast.
  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    To the OP: The reason I said you should go to the doctor is because there are so many medical reasons you could be feeling weak and dizzy. It might have absolutely nothing to do with your diet. I just finished physical therapy last month, and I was going for Vertigo. It's a horrible thing to live with (but luckily it's all gone now *yay*). Then again, it might be your blood pressure. It might be a cold. It could be so many serious and not too serious things.
  • Starvation diets are unhealthy.
    Follow MFP recommendations, or you'll suffer some serious consequences at some point.
    Maybe you've heard this before? I suspect so.
    Good luck:flowerforyou:

    I have only been on MFP for 3 days but I would like to point out that I have been eating this way for months. I agree that starvation diets are unhealthy.. good thing that's not what I'm doing :)
  • Sounds Like Pregnancy to Me.
  • You may need a little more food in you site =)
    but i have a similar problem last year and i went to the doctors and i was borderline anaemic and i had really low blood pressure with they said is common in teen girls and young adults, so id see your doctor =)
  • See a Dr. best thing! x
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    This happened to me when I tried the 1200 calories diet and didn't eat back exercise (I was clueless about the net calories thing). I did this for 20 days and literally ended up at the hospital from dizziness and vertigo. They had to put me on three different medications including valium to stop it. I really screwed up my inner ear balance. You are NOT eating enough. It doesn't matter that you think you are not hungry. EAT SOMETHING and net your proper calorie amount.
  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    I just looked at your diary and you're not eating enough,you need to NET a minimum of 1200 calories. Eat back those exercise calories hun!

    Make an appointment with your doctor just to be safe and get checked out.

    Actually, no you don't. I had this conversation with my dietitian. In order for me to have a "net" 1200 calories yesterday, I would have had to eat over 3,000 calories.

    If you start losing weight too rapidly, then you need to adjust your calorie intake higher. If you're staying around 1-2 lbs a week, then you are fine.

    Thanks for the feedback! It took me about 6 weeks to lose my last ten pounds so I don't think I am losing too fast.

    You're welcome :wink:
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 213 Member
    You're not eating enough, not drinking enough...and are taking phentermine (Adipex) and another diet pill called Xyngular. I would go right to the urgent care, you might need IV fluids and you might be having a severe reaction to one or both of these drugs.

    I am no longer taking Adipex. My doctor prescribed that to me when I went to him concerned with my weight. I took it for almost 2 months and did not continue after that. As for the Xyngular, it is an all natural product that I have been taking for over a month & it includes not only a pill but shakes as well. I honestly don't feel like that could be the problem.

    However, I know I don't drink enough water & I need to be working on that. As far as eating enough, that is a toughy! The more I exercise the more calories MFP tells me to eat, but at the same time.. when I exercise, it seems to make me not hungry at all. I actually have to remind myself to eat throughout the day. It could also be the shakes making me full, seeing as that is what they are intended to do. Yesterday I replaced two meals with them, maybe I should stick with one.

    The Xyngular may be "natural" but has Green tea and other diuretics to suppress your appetite and increase water loss. If you're not eating enough calories (add more calorie dense foods or fats if you're not hungry) and not drinking enough water then of course you'll feel terrible.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You're not eating enough, not drinking enough...and are taking phentermine (Adipex) and another diet pill called Xyngular. I would go right to the urgent care, you might need IV fluids and you might be having a severe reaction to one or both of these drugs.
    As for the Xyngular, it is an all natural product that I have been taking for over a month & it includes not only a pill but shakes as well. I honestly don't feel like that could be the problem.

    Cyanide is a natural product, too.
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    Hmmm you might need to eat more and drink a lot more water. For me I hated water so it was really hard to start drinking it., but I started drinking it with every meal and it helped me not only eat less but feel better. I used to get really dizzy and get the shakes a lot if I wasn't eating every few hours, that's really cut down since I've been drinking a lot more water. I would try that, but if it gets worse or doesn't go away in a few days I'd see a doctor. Either way, I hope you feel better.
  • Sounds Like Pregnancy to Me.

    I have been there & done that twice. I would hope that I know what pregnancy symptoms feel like by now. Furthermore, that is no longer possible for me, but thanks for the suggestion.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Take your temperature and see if you have a fever to rule out the flu. Drink a big glass of water right now and have a rest day. Eat something really healthy, at least 300 calories worth and see if that makes you feel better. Then proceed to eat 3 more healthy meals today. Hope you feel better!
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Sweatheart - you really need to eat more food during the day. And please see a doctor. I really believe you do not need the diet pills. Get rid. But please speak to your doctor.

    Listen - You have two beautiful children. You don't need the diet pills and you must eat more. They will pick up fussy eating habits or not eat much themselves, if they see mum doing the same.

    I'm 4ft 11" and my calorie goal is set to 1,820 per day - although I am here to gain. I can eat that much easily throughout the day - most is actually after 12 noon.

    Good luck btw, and I hope you feel better soon. Your kids need their mum healthy and well.

    Sorry if I come across condiscending - I don't mean to - As a mum myself, I'm concerned for you.