Going over your fat and protein allowance

Here's what I struggle with:

Today after I did all my meal plans, I still have 400 calories left but no fat or protein left. Do I eat the extra protein and go into a deficit for fat and protein or do I just stop?


  • tango645
    tango645 Posts: 11 Member
    I find it best that, at the end of the day when I'm looking for a snack, I'll check my macros (fat/protein/carbs) and find a snack that fills what I'm lacking. If I have a good amount of fat left, I'll grab some mixed nuts. If I see that I have plenty of carbs left, I'll eat some fruit or some pretzels. I wouldn't stress too much about going over, but don't be afraid to hit MFP's goals.
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    I find it best that, at the end of the day when I'm looking for a snack, I'll check my macros (fat/protein/carbs) and find a snack that fills what I'm lacking. If I have a good amount of fat left, I'll grab some mixed nuts. If I see that I have plenty of carbs left, I'll eat some fruit or some pretzels. I wouldn't stress too much about going over, but don't be afraid to hit MFP's goals.

    completely agree!
  • lady_in_weighting
    lady_in_weighting Posts: 196 Member
    eat a bowl of brown rice, wholemeal toast and jam, porrige, fruit (banana as it is high calorie and carb) - pretty much carbs only. solved!
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    Get your calories in, don't worry about going over on protein. Hard to say much with a closed diary, but going over on fat doesn't affect overall weight loss if your still in a caloric deficit

    total calories in / out = weight loss / weight gain
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    go over your protein allowance. Like way over! lol

    MFP sets your protein quite low. Going over your protein will not adversely effect you.
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    if you've got your macros set to the defaults for MFP. then eat some more protien. going over by 5 or 10 or even 20 or 30 of the default is good for you. Definitely don't fill up on carbs.

    (I'm not a dietician or dr or anything, but i've done lots of research, and experimented with it, and have done the healthy weight loss thing a few times now. yes, i know, if i'm doing it right i shouldn't have had to do it a few times, but injuries make me fat)
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    go over your protein allowance. Like way over! lol

    MFP sets your protein quite low. Going over your protein will not adversely effect you.

    I would add that if you are exercising heavy its probably beneficial.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    go over your protein allowance. Like way over! lol

    MFP sets your protein quite low. Going over your protein will not adversely effect you.

    I would agree that MFP sets the default protein too low and really depending on what sorts of fats you eat I wouldn't freak out about going over on that either so long as you are on a calorie deficit.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I am almost always over what MFP thinks my protein and fat intake should be and have never seen adverse effects. MFP's protein value is really a MINIMUM... And their preset values for these two macronutrients are really low to begin with.

    65g of fat for a female is just fine. And I often go over this, personally.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I reset my macros so my protein is higher - I prefer a higher target because of my diet/ training - and reduced my carb requirements. I'd rather go over on proteins and fats (and remember: dietary cholesterol is NOT linked to cardiovascular cholesterol!)
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Go for extra protein. After crunching a lot of numbers, I wound up nearly doubling my protein goal from the MFP default.

    I also don't worry about going over the fat number if I'm staying within my calorie goal, so long as the fat is healthy fat from sources like nuts, avocados, or fatty fish like salmon. Going over the fat number beacuse I ate a ton of french fries is not so cool, though!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    go over your protein allowance. Like way over! lol

    MFP sets your protein quite low. Going over your protein will not adversely effect you.

    How do you know it won't adversely affect the OP, or anyone else? Eating high protein is not safe for everyone. This is a very dangerous notioin propagated widely on MFP.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I had to go in and manually override the basic MFP settings because it doesn't reflect how I eat...the basic setting sets protein way too low...

    I have mine set for
  • bgsorrells
    I have just realized this and am trying to change it, can you tell me where you go in to do this? I have an android, but I am on a PC right now, so either would be good. Thanks so much!