Why the double standard???



  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I'm honestly beginning to think that exercise calories do not equal food calories one to one. Food calories just seem to have more impact on weight loss than burned off exercise calories. Maybe it's because you unconsciously preserve your energy after a workout. I'm not sure. But that's the way it seems to work to me.

    It goes with the saying, you can't out exercise a bad diet. Weight loss has to do with eating a caloric deficit. Period. (Yes I know there are other factors on how well or healthy it is for each individual). Exercise benifits a healthy life style, building muscle and cardio endurance and gives you a bigger window of calorie burns, but it is not necessary to lose weight.
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    There is no double standard. Both are bashed.

    My calorie goal is to net 2100 calories, for everyone it is different the biggest thing is not to go below your BMR

    There isn't a single verified, peer-reviewed medical study saying that eating below your BMR is bad for you. In fact, there are numerous studies showing that eating below your BMR can lead to healthy weight loss.

    What you posted is basically a MFP urban legend.

    You may be right, but I have yet to find any 600 calorie diet in any of the Fitness books I look in for my diet tips. In fact I cannot honestly say I have not see any for less the 2000 calories, I will agree that it is person to person dependant and also to each their own. If you are happy eating 600 calories and you are losing weight than I am definately not 1 to judge. But for me and my body I would not be happy on that type of diet, I would crash and burn and eventually that large meat lovers pizza would be in my belly!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member

    There isn't a single verified, peer-reviewed medical study saying that eating below your BMR is bad for you. In fact, there are numerous studies showing that eating below your BMR can lead to healthy weight loss.

    What you posted is basically a MFP urban legend.

    You may be right, but I have yet to find any 600 calorie diet in any of the Fitness books I look in for my diet tips. In fact I cannot honestly say I have not see any for less the 2000 calories, I will agree that it is person to person dependant and also to each their own. If you are happy eating 600 calories and you are losing weight than I am definately not 1 to judge. But for me and my body I would not be happy on that type of diet, I would crash and burn and eventually that large meat lovers pizza would be in my belly!

    He is right. And he's not saying 'eat 600'. I'm not particularly large, young, male, tall or active and my BMR is over 1400.

    You've never seen a diet plan that has you eating less than 2000 calories? I've never seen one that recommends anyone eat that high! Most use 1200 as a sensible floor, like MFP does.