New from MO

It is definitely not my thing to post anything personal online. But I've been struggling to get healthy and I'm willing to try all tools to meet my goals.

I'm in the military and usually consider myself very healthy. However, a torn MCL slowed me down, and then a bout of mono has wreaked havoc on my system. I've gained over 30 pounds, find it painful to excercise, don't meet the military standards, and feel sick all the time. I'm experiencing pain in my joints, extreme fatigue, low-grade fevers, experiencing memory problems and the list goes on. No medical diagnosis from the traditional establishment, but they've ruled out just about everything. Next step is for an internal medicine appointment.

However, a couple days ago I received a ray of hope from my chiropractor's health group. A nutritionist on his staff has diagnosed B-12 deficiency and likely systemic yeast infection. So I am radically altering my diet, which is where this post fits in. I may have a gluten allergy or celiac disease... I just don't know, the symptoms exist for those as well. I eat relatively healthy on a daily basis, but I need to watch exactly what I eat along with monitoring the amounts. I need to get a handle on whatever has made me so sick. My career depends on it, but I need to do this for my personal health as well.

I was running 5 and 10Ks a year and a half ago and had no problems passing my Army physical fitness test before I tore my MCL Right now, I'm not even running a mile, and my muscles are too sore and weak to bear my own weight. Several months ago I signed up for a Tough Mudder event and my personal goal is to not only kick this illness but to successfully navigate the complete course.