Quit Smoking Support

So, I have been really struggling with quitting. I have "quit" a few times in the past. My longest quit was about 6 months, and I started smoking again when a former boyfriend was at the same wedding as I. I have been trying to quit a lot recently, throwing away packs of cigs and lighters, but somehow find a stupid reason to start again. I am so beyond sick of this! Iam mad at myself and I HATE smoking and how it makes me feel. I feel tired and achy and all around gross. I am getting married in exactly 5 weeks and I DO NOT want to be a smoking bride. EWWWW. My Fiance is a non smoker. I just threw away another almost full pack, and took the beer out of my fridge to lessen the temptation. I also downloaded MyLast Cigarette and input all my info. What I am worried about is my Bachelorette party next weekend. I know I will drink, and drinking is a HUGE trigger for me. Any advice, tips or tricks? I want to be done with this. I HAVE TO be!


  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    I quit over 3 years ago and I still think about it often. I quit using the nicotine gum. I tried other methods in past but this really worked for me. I found that every time I had intense cravings or was in a trigger place (for me it was always in the car) it really helped. I tried to make new habits to replace the times I would smoke, after dinner I would make tea and sip on that as my new healthy habit, eat a piece of dark chocolate (just one) things like that. Alcohol is a huge trigger they kind of go together, what worked for me was to abstain for a few months until I was more comfortable with being a non-smoker, the gum helped after I started indulging again. You can do it! You will wonder why you ever let it go on so long. I love smelling fresh, being able to breath when working out, having white teeth, and knowing I'm not hurting myself or my loved ones. Good luck it is one of the hardest things you will ever do but also the best for you and your future husband!