Not seeing results!! Please help/read

I've been working out for a while. Doing pushups,squats, crunches, zumba, youtube videos online. It just seems like none of it is working. i've even tried cutting down on the food. i've tried the water diet and lost 4 lbs in two days. but i got tired of water and gave up on it. if anyone has workout tips, or just any tips at all, please help!!!:ohwell:


  • havegoodgetgive
    What is your diet like?
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    Without knowing anything else about you...did you just simply try and find out what calories you need, take a deficit, and then track them? If so, did you stick with it for longer than a week?
  • frogg3
    frogg3 Posts: 11
    What is your diet like?

    I eat A LOT of fruit during the day. Then have a regular dinner. During the day i might have a sandwich. but at dinner i usually have pork or beef and a vegetable. I might sneek a few sweets here and there.
  • frogg3
    frogg3 Posts: 11
    Without knowing anything else about you...did you just simply try and find out what calories you need, take a deficit, and then track them? If so, did you stick with it for longer than a week?

    I have not tried that actually. but its a great idea
  • havegoodgetgive
    i suggest you start tracking your diet. If you are eating majority of just fruit I would bet you are not hitting your caloric/nutrient goals.
  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    Why don't you open up your diary. All the sweets maybe adding up to a lot of carbs and calories
  • columbus27
    columbus27 Posts: 178 Member
    It's the fruit. Try not eating fruit and starchy carbs within 3 hours prior to your cardio workout.
  • frogg3
    frogg3 Posts: 11
    Thanks for the tips. I just started MFP today and opened up up my tracking diary. I now know my calorie intake and calories needed. I think this will help me alot. !
  • Muskiecat
    Muskiecat Posts: 7
    If you are truly eating right, monitoring your calories and exercising with enough effort to lose weight and nothing is happening, then you need to see a doctor and have your thyroid tested.
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    Without being able to see your diary it is hard to say. You may be eating too many calories. Are you measuring your foods? Are you eating foods that contain a lot of sodium? You also want to cut down on the fruits they contain a lot of sugar.
  • frogg3
    frogg3 Posts: 11
    It's the fruit. Try not eating fruit and starchy carbs within 3 hours prior to your cardio workout.

    I'm a big fruit fan, but i will defiantly cut down on them
  • frogg3
    frogg3 Posts: 11
    If you are truly eating right, monitoring your calories and exercising with enough effort to lose weight and nothing is happening, then you need to see a doctor and have your thyroid tested.

    i havent thought about that. but i do need to get that checked out.