New Balance N4 HRM chest strap issues

Hi all,

Just got my N4 in the mail this week and was trying it out at the gym before I head to the lake for a week. I want to know it's accurate before I leave the gym sanctuary and go exercising in the cold cruel world!!

Anyhow, I'm having troubles getting the chest strap positioned just right, so it will pick up my HR and track it accurately.

Is it to be right below the bra line? Lower?

I was lifting weights today, and my resting HR (taken by pulse) was about 120, whereas the N4 jumped all over, from low 70's to mid 110's.

Even while on the treadmill, running, it wasn't always accurate. Almost like it kept losing connection.

I don't have any gel for it, just using saliva or sweat. Could that be the problem?

So far, I like what it can do, when it does it. I hate having to futz around with it while working out. Beats the point of working out if I have to pause what I'm doing to readjust straps and bras and shirts and whatnot.

Hints or advice, anyone?