My new beginning :)

I am new to this site & very excited about it! Would love to meet new people with the same goals I have ...Lose weight & get into a healthier lifestyle. This is all new to me so if you have advice ...I would LOVE it! Thanks in advance :)


  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. :happy:
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Welcome to MFP
  • omegamaster4040
    Welcome! Both to MFP and your new liftestyle! :-)

    I will add you for sure and provide as much advice and support as I can!

    I am always looking for good new friends, so anyone feel free to add me! :-)
  • adion7
    adion7 Posts: 3
    Thanks ...I am so excited about this & already I am starting to feel so much better!!
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and congrats on starting your journey! Feel free to add me if you're looking for community support.
    You should be very proud of yourself just for taking this step! I joined 18 days ago, and I am still so excited!
  • Richard323
    Richard323 Posts: 21
    Welcome, this is an awesome site, full of great people, some weird ones, but overall great friends and support. Myself and for some people I know, it's a hard road, but thankfully you have great support on here!
    Best advice I have it take it slow, remember every slip up automatically becomes the past and you can learn from it and not make the same mistake again, providing you make a mistake at all. Regardless, good luck and enjoy the begining of a new you!