
Since Monday I have been insanely itchy on my legs and torso. I mean almost scratch myself raw itchy.

There are only two things that I can think of being the cause. The first is that it is exercise induced as in sweat induced. I started 30 Day Shred on Monday and I have also been doing a walk/run program. I sweat quite a lot doing both but mainly the during 30DS. I, of course do shower after working out and I am not using any new products in the shower so I am sure it's not that.

The other thing is that I live with a filthy, stinking, only shower once in a blue moon teenager (not mine; my brother) so there could be a possibility I have scabies. I got this idea from searching the interwebs but I really have no idea :ohwell:

I have been using the same laundry detergent for ages, though I do have sensitive skin and it could just have decided it doesn't like this detergent any more.

I am seeing a doctor next week so I will bring it up then. In the mean time anybody have any ideas what could be cause of the itching?

Thanks :happy:


  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    it could be a food allergy, is there anything new you ate? Ask your brother if he is itching also.