anyone here ever try the south beach diet? thoughts

Hey has anyone here ever tryed the south beach diet?? If so whats your thoughts on it?? I have been self engulfed for the last day or two and now ready to concure the world.. :-) Any tips, anyone???


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Low carb - not for me. I look for lifestyle changes I can keep for the rest of my life. Low carb may yield quicker weight loss ... then what? Some people however, can be (or intend to be) low carb for the rest of their lives.
  • Demyja78
    Demyja78 Posts: 4 Member
    I am on it now. It teaches how to eat healthier. It is a total lifestyle change. It is working for me so far. I find that the hardest thing to do it cook all my meals.. lol. You cannot be lazy on this diet, meaning thinking about grabbing quick things to eat. I am on phase 2.. day 2. I am about to cook my lunch for the week, so that I won't be tempted to "grab something quick". Everyone's results are different. I lost 12 lbs first two weeks. Good luck.
  • skooter1818
    skooter1818 Posts: 3 Member
    My issue is trying to get all these veggies in. Can I eat the steamers? Or Just for one servings in cheese sauce?
  • I am almost finished with Phase 1 and did backslide a bit yesterday but went back on it today. I really love it. There is planning of meals but I am use to it. I do not eat the meals that are in the book for the two weeks but my own meals. I do not crave carbs anymore and have so much more energy. I was on Phase 1 a few years ago and found it very restrictive. Now there are more foods you can eat on Phase 1 which makes it more doable.
    so far I lost around 6lbs, more than I ever lost going to Weight Watchers.
  • bane0317
    bane0317 Posts: 60 Member
    do you have a link to the newest P1 foods list? I did it about 8 years ago and lost ~50 pounds in 4 months. I have slid WAY back and gained 70 lbs. I'd like to restart soon and would like to know the latest allowable P1 foods.

  • Southbeach only worked for me til I reintroduced carbs...perhaps I am carb sensitive? Either way, it seems that, since learning more about protein vs fat vs carb consumption - the equation from South Beach is only partially correct. We can absolutely survive on 0 carbs. Our bodies do NOT need carbs, but we crave them due to imbalanced chemistry from eating those carbs in the first place. This does not mean you cannot have carbs, but you have to learn your limits. I'm still learning mine! :-) Anyway, if you are looking to "diet" your results won't be as satisfying as making a lifestyle change that stays with you for the long haul.
    I am kind of a zealot right now, with regard to protein and fat intake, due to finding Dr.s Michael and Mary Eades...I am nowhere near my fitness goals, but things are progressing so well, so rapidly, and my health and energy are improving so drastically I am probably too happy to share the info I have learned! Check them out at - they take the South Beach concept and really break it down so you can see how the body truly needs the things we are being told are bad for saturated fat for example...Best of Luck