is dieting making me mean?



  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I read somewhere that restricting yourself from food CAN make you irritable. But it isn't the fact of you not actually being allowed to eat whatever craving you have it is more so the ACT of restraining that will agitate someone.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Any day I restrict is a bad day! It makes me irritable and my moods swing like no other. I call it being hangry (hungry+angry)
  • ebonypixie
    ebonypixie Posts: 61 Member
    Oh this sounds like me! By the time my man comes home from work everyday Ive had done 8hours in work, 1 hour or 2 cleaning the house, at least 1 hour sweating my *kitten* off exercising, 1 hour probably worrying over what to make for dinner thats edible (for him) and low cal (for me) and then another 1 hour making the darn thing that I end up not even being able to finish due to allotted calories being used up!

    And Im ANGRY!

    This has been the way now for months and Ive had enough of abusing my relationship so Im eating more for a while to see if I can make him like me again lol. Ill cut again once I stablise :)

    Try and eat as much as you can get away with whilst still losing slowly..keep it clean though as much as you can and youll feel better!
    Best of luck!!!!
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    Ok I just read that you work with a ton of inappropriate a-holes. If you can't go to management then become a ***** about it every single time you are harassed. I worked in a kitchen and had every **** joke and perverted guy talking about my lady parts. I eventually became so *****y that it no longer gave them a thrill to sexually harass me and they eventually stopped. Some times having people think you are the biggest ***** on the planet works in your favor. It did for me. I actually got a raise because they thought I had bigger balls then most the men.

    1. Stick up for yourself.
    2. Eat more calories.

    ZoeyR - I really like this story. I'm going to try it. Thanks. :)
  • Thank you much for posting this! I did google search becuase I didn't know what was wrong with me! We sound very much alike! I started out 5'7, 193 lbs, about 2 months ago. I work with a trainer 1-2 a week. Then work out at home maybe 3 times a week. I now weigh 177. I was down to 174- but gained a few pounds back. I have stayed at 177 for a little while now. I drink a CHIKE protein shake for breakfast, have a low calorie lunch and dinner.(really watch my carbs) My trainer told me to do 1,500 calories but MFP told me 1,200- so I was really trying to do 1,200 (or less if possible). Then working out on top of that. I will have an extra Chike shake after a heavy workout for the protein. Most dinner is baked/ grilled fish, veggies and I will do some carb- like a sweet pot or 1 cup wild rice. It's worked really well for me. Until the last week- I've been mean as hell!! I'm one of the nicest people you would want to meet (well, unless you do something to my child!) I've have gone OFF on everyone around me, really everyone. I'm not PMS'ing or anything. I've been so mean that I googled it! I didn't understand what was going on. So, everyone on here told you to eat more. Guess that's what I'll do. Just hate to gain anymore weight!! I wanted to say Thanks again for posting this, I found it very helpful!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    1200 or less a day? I'd be a total cranky pants too!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Not saying 1200 calories is a bad thing because that's what I eat because I'm comfortable eating at the level and slowly trying to up it, BUT the way you talk seems like maybe you need to up them. Do you feel like you are depriving yourself? If I felt like I was depriving myself, I know I'd be really cranky. Sometimes, usually on the weekends, I go up to 1400 calories. Sometimes, I just maintain 1200. Play around with calories and see what works for you. :)
  • It sounds like you're probably eating too little. Being hungry makes people irritable; I doubt that many people would disagree with that. Few people feel good eating 1200 calories or fewer per day, and those that do are usually rather small in stature, so depending on your height/weight, it's quite possible that you simply need to eat more.

    And as an aside, if the guy is sexually harassing you, he deserves at least that response (and a complaint to management isn't a bad idea either).

    I work in a man-dominated company where there is a lot of talk that wouldn't be considered appropriate other places. If I report this guy, I'd have to report 1/2 the company. There was just a conversation yesterday where one of the bosses said "if you're going to be a woman in this industry, you can't be sensitive."

    I hope Mr. Boss Man isn't sensitive when he gets sued for condoning sexual harrassment in the workplace.
  • I'm late to the conversation, but here is my 2 cents. Make sure you eat some fats - that helps my moods. Good fats are in nuts, avocados, etc. Treat yourself with cheese or yogurt in small doses - I get thinly sliced Sargento. And, most importantly, eat when you are hungry. Just eat good, nutritious snacks like fruit or veggies.

    Re: your workplace. I work in the automotive industry at Ford Motor Company and they do not treat women differently than men. I've worked for automotive suppliers who do and I quit those companies. I don't care what the boss says - it's the company not the industry. If you want to be taken seriously and move up you must quit and get a different job. Don't take that from anyone, ever.

    Good luck!!