Been on here for a while looking to make more friends?

Alifresh Posts: 15 Member
Hey, I have been on here for a while. Well I have had a name on here for a while and am finally able to stay on a diet since moving out of my parents house and being able to make sure only good food is in my house. I am looking for more support buddies, and I love love love seeing others success it like pumps me up to make me work harder. I am really trying to be at my goal by the end of summer so I am bustting my *kitten* on this one. I let my self gain some weight and I refuse to get back to where I was so its time to just buckle down and get serious about this because I have to do it to have a healthy long life. If anyone is also looking for support friends and seeing others succeed then feel free to add me or just post on here so I can add you. :)!