There's no way I'm 33% body fat ?(I'm more..??)



  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    You should check out the calculators on this page!

    2 of the BF tests told me 26% and the other 23%. Not sure if either are correct, but maybe they will give you a number that's a bit more acurate!

    Good luck!
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I will shoot for around 125 grams of protein a day, (I'm doing higher protein right now anyway) and will do a weight training component in addition to my walking,cardio, and eating well.

    Thanks !!! =)
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I have a scale that measures body fat, bone and water mass.
    I am 227lb (103.3kg) 5'5 and am currently 38.7% body fat, 43% water and 7.7% bone mass.

    According to this:

    Hips: 43 inches
    Calf: 15.5 inches
    Thigh: 28 inches
    Wrist: 6.5 inches

    You have 32.9% body fat.

    You have 33.9 Kilograms of fat and 69.1 Kilograms of lean (muscle, bone, body water).

    Obviously scale is wrong!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    For those on here that don't know me, I'm a Former Army Master Fitness Trainer and calculating BF% was a major part of what we had to do. The least accurate method is the tape measure test, (the Armies was the worst of the worst), The most accurate is water displacement but a place to do it and trained people are hard to find, The Caliper test is next best and is accurate generally within .5% if the operator is well trained and proficient, Check with a doc or dietician, some Trainers know how as well but it takes practice to be proficient, the next best are the scales mention useing electic impluse, generally accurate within say, 5-7%. Key with them is they are consitantly inaccurate so if its off by 5% it will generally be off by that much each time so you get a good realative picture over time. Your 33% number is feasable, 5'8 1/2 and 180 or so is not outside of healthy range IF you are physically fit.
  • flslp87
    flslp87 Posts: 175 Member
    Put body fat calculator into google and there are a couple of choices that pop up. I too have a WW scale and it is not completely accurate but not totally off either. I used one that I had to measure weight, waist, hips, wrist and forearm, i think.....gave me a place to start anyway..
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    That one you originally used is about 6% lower than my current BF%.
  • DeltaGirl9708
    DeltaGirl9708 Posts: 5 Member
    Love your tracker photo!! I'm little homesick, so I used one of my Chicago photos and a runner, because I envision myself running back home. :D
  • Skinny_Bella
    Skinny_Bella Posts: 43 Member
    I have no idea what my actual BF% is, but I used the one the OP posted, and it said I had 15.1% body fat. At 195(5'4), I'm PRETTY sure it's not 15.1%. That's in the Top Athletes range on their little chart. I can guarantee I sure as heck am not a top athlete.
    I also tried the fat2fitradio one(actually two different ones) and the next one I got was 26.1% body fat, and the other one I did I got 15.1% body fat I don't know. My best bet would just be going and getting it done at the gym...
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I went into pretty good detail in the body fat lean mass section. Basically it depends which standared you go by. I've been everywhere from around 17-26%

    The measure method is awful. It assumes everyone carries their weight in the same spots. I know a girl who carries a lot of weight in her elbows...the top of her arms are actually smaller. Shes probably going to get a low reading just because of things like are measuring everything that way, not fat. I dont think anyone can run around stating they are a certain percent bevause there is just no standard and even the most accurate methods have weird sources of error. You could be read twice in a row and get a different reading.
  • Reignofmongo
    Reignofmongo Posts: 137
    Best way to find out is to post a picture and have someone with experience with bodybuilding or fitness make an educated guess... As far as the internet goes anyway.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I went into pretty good detail in the body fat lean mass section. Basically it depends which standared you go by. I've been everywhere from around 17-26%

    The measure method is awful. It assumes everyone carries their weight in the same spots. I know a girl who carries a lot of weight in her elbows...the top of her arms are actually smaller. Shes probably going to get a low reading just because of things like are measuring everything that way, not fat. I dont think anyone can run around stating they are a certain percent bevause there is just no standard and even the most accurate methods have weird sources of error. You could be read twice in a row and get a different reading.

    That is my next read! Thank you!!!!! :)
    Best way to find out is to post a picture and have someone with experience with bodybuilding or fitness make an educated guess... As far as the internet goes anyway.

    I'm not quite confident enough to do that. :blushing: I can post my wt online but ... . if I show a pic with regular clothes on I do not look nearly as heavy as my weight suggests. However if its just a swimsuit it is super obvious! I might ask when I do my "success story" what people think of the before pictures, because by then I should be hot and not worry if I was fat before! lol

    And to every one else thank you you all are awesome and helpful!! :flowerforyou: