New Weight Loss Mission, New Motivations!!

> Hello Everyone!!
> If you have the curiosity, a brief discription of who I am and what I am here for is on my Profile. :)
> If you're like me, and just want to take that extra moment to read introductions, that's all good too!
> I am in the Military, and have been for a while now, and have struggled for a while with my weight. I am here to get motivation, inspiration, and to get my butt in motion! i had been looking around for a site that provided healthy eating options, moral support, and a way for me to track my progress - and bam! Here you are! I adore the fact that there "is an app for that" so that I can do this on the go as well, and not have the excuse of "not being able to get to my computer."
> I have faith that this will be the start of something amazing, and that the friends and progress I make here will follow me and influence my decision making in the future.
> If anyone is interested in the progress that I have made thus far, or the [completely un-liscensed and personal] opinions that I have of dealing with stress, recovering from a minute eating disorder and depression (in relation to weight gain and how it affects your perception of the world around you and yourself), please let me know and I will be more than happy to support anyone who needs it. ~Namaste' :smile: