Getting started!! Yep, a MFP newbie.

Ironically, I found this app on my iphone while searching for another calorie counter app. I must admit, I like this one more.

I relocated to a new city for work, since I moved here a year ago, I gained 25 pounds. I am on a mission to lose the new and old pounds, and gain a new me. I look forward to meeting new people during my mission. Good luck to all of you!!


  • sailorsiren13
    Welcome and feel free to add me. :smile:
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    I just found this site, too! I lost a lot of weight in 2005, and then more for my wedding, and then I've been going up and down ever since. I'm trying to get to a certain weight and just stay there! Good luck!
  • beachloe
    beachloe Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have to agree that this app is better than some of the others I've tried in the past. Feel free to add me for motivation/support.