
Anyone doing it !? I just joined a gym called 303 training center
Did my second class And I've got to say its the best challenging work out
I've ever done. Love it ! Amazing excersise and challenges me
The calorie I burn is amazing ,610 in one hour.
I'm combing that with my regular excersise I'm doing
30 day shred , on day 21 tomorrow level 3. I'm also into
Bike riding , walking. But Kickboxing has brought Everthing
To a new level for me. Wondering if there is anyone else here
Into Kickboxibg too !? Sorry for babbling lol



  • jabcrosshook
    Glad to hear that you're enjoying kickboxing. It's great exercise. I train in boxing and muay thai (which is similar to American kickboxing but also includes elbows, kness, standing clinch, etc.).
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Please join the martial arts group!

    I do Muay Thai. LOVE IT!
  • babycakesjen
    I'll have to look that group up. Where is it under
    I'm new to board