Hello :) New to MFP

I won't write a whole novel here since I don't want to ward off any potential friends. Basically I'm a college student from California and I'm just about to turn 21. I started at 150 pounds which was clearly overweight for my height (5'1) and in the process of loosing the weight to get where I am now, I've become interested in fitness/nutrition.

Anyways, I have no friends on here and if you think you might be willing to be friends on here..feel free to add me! Or I'll add you in a couple hours when I figure out how to run this darn website. :)

Thanks for reading!


  • wxgurl
    wxgurl Posts: 52 Member
    Welcome, and great that you started this so young! Wish I would have been that smart in my 20's...but I figure anytime is a good time to start! Feel free to add me!
  • Reignofmongo
    Reignofmongo Posts: 137
    I'll gladly work with ya. :) I gotta lose roughly 30 pounds, and I'm also 21. So with that being said, I'm sure we can relate to a degree. :)
  • Reignofmongo
    Reignofmongo Posts: 137
    Bump! ;)
  • violetta88
    violetta88 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi and welcome! I'll send you a FR now - I'm new as well, would like to set up a good support network!
  • ari_89
    ari_89 Posts: 37
    Feel free to add me too :)
  • RubbaDubRob
    Great and welcome!! I agree i wish they had things like this when i was younger. Technology has been great these last 10 15 yrs!!! please feel free to add me too!!!
  • FrkFreckle
    FrkFreckle Posts: 11
    Hi :) I'm 18 and I'm a college student too and I'm also 5'1"! :) Feel free to add me!