a quick hello

Hi there, im izzie im 25 and a mummy of 2 lovely girls. I am a bit fed up of my status as "the fat friend" and know only i can do something about it so im starting now. I have to lose around 75lb to be healthy (mid scale according to the bmi thing) but i am setting myself smaller targets

1/2 stone/7lb - want to achieve by August 2012
1 stone/14lb - want to achieve by October 2012
2 stone/28lb -want to achieve by December 2012
2.5 stone/37.5lb HALF WAY POINT -Want to achieve by April 2013
3 stone/42 lb -Want to achieve by August 2013
4 stone/56 lb -Want to achieve by November 2013
5.3 stone/75lb FINISHING POINT -want to achieve by April 2014

obviously I would love to reach my goal alot faster than April 2014 but i figured this is a decent amount of time to lose almost half of me lol

im 5foot 5 and weighed 200lb on 15/06/12 yesterday i weighed in at 193lb

more about me, i have a lovely partner called Andy and were planning on planning on getting married he needs to pull his finger out, but i think thats a big contrinuter to me loseing weight i know we will one day say i do, but when i do say it i want to be proud of how i look not feel uncomfy. we have 2 daughters age 3 and 7 months again massive reason for me wanting to slim down, i was picked on for having a large mum and I dont want my girls going down the same route of bullying for mums size, comfort eating, getting fat. etc etc etc

so anyway thats me HI xxx


  • OptomisticGirl
    Hello and welcome to MFP!

    Im a mum of two who is getting married next and am adament I will not be a fat bride! Im planning on plodding along slowly and losing weight as healthily as possible! Feel free to add me as a friend and im sure we can help each other along! x
  • spotuk
    spotuk Posts: 37 Member
    Hey izzie :) well done Hun on your weight loss so far. Welcome to the forums x