Any Coffee Drinkers?



  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I love coffee! My favorite is strong smooth Brazilian coffee. Here in the states it as not as easy to get, but a good Colombian that is smooth is best. I am not a big fan of Fivebucks or Dunkins; I prefer McDonalds over both.

    I don't care for too many "roast" coffees as the burnt taste over powers the flavor of the "bean." The worst coffees are the ones with acidic after taste. I never drink perfumed coffee with flavors. I just like good smooth coffee and when it's really good, black is just fine.

    But if I were to have something with extra stuff in it, it's a Dunkin Coffee Coolata with whipped cream.
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    we are serious about good coffee in our house.

    Freshly roasted beans are important. We buy Bridgehead, Kicking horse or Happy Goat all available online. Usually we go for a medium or dark roast with a preference for Mexican beans in the medium.

    We always but shade grown, frog friendly, fair trade, ethical coffee. It doesn't cost more than other good coffee and it costs the earth and humanity much less.

    We have a grinder which we set to between drip and espresso so the coffee is strong (fairly finely ground) and use a manual drip or a french press (bodum) or the espresso maker/cappuccino maker. Automatic drips do not keep the water hot enough to be very good, fyi.

    We also keep cinnamon and nutmeg on hand to sprinkle on if the the mood takes us.
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    any flavor of van houette's, especially creme brule!
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    i used to get Gevalia.. it's ok. I didn't think it was worth the price at all and you have to watch for the double super secret special shipments that they send without asking and automatically charge to your credit card.

    I know it's not high brow (and i am a huge starbucks fan) but at home i mix Maxwell house South Pacific blend with freshly ground 8 O'clock original. 1T per cup of coffee brewed. Use COLD fresh from the tap water; the air in it makes a difference and starting with cold water keeps the coffee beans from "burning". People who come to my house always ask for more coffee, and want to know my secret.
  • Frisky_CoastalNative
    Guatemalan, whole bean ground fresh at home daily.
  • GrokOn
    GrokOn Posts: 39 Member
    Kauai Coffee Company Vanilla Macadamia
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    There are only 2 places where I will buy coffee...Magnum, a small local roastery which ships all over the world, or Mexico...I can't drink any other kinds. From Magnum I prefer the Kona but will drink any of it, the organic guatamalan is also really good. I get the whole beans and grind them myself and use a regular ole coffee maker to brew them! The coffee from Mexico in NEVER bitter and always good, they have a different roasting process and roast the beans with cane sugar. Doesn't make it sweet, just really smooth and tastey! I will drink it black or with just a hint of flavored creamer.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I prefer my coffee black. I used to use cream and sugar and I always felt bad after drinking a few cups. Not a guilty feeling but like artificial sugar overload with synthetic failure. However, I was also drinking the moderately cheap end coffees. So I started trying different more expensive blends and so far I enjoy coffee now.

    Has anyone tried any Gevalia?
    Answering to the Gavalia it is smooth but feel its over rated for the price,,Had A Jamican coffee which is sold in the states much better I think its called Blue mountain? haven't bought it in awhile as can't seem to find it now.
  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    Coffee? Yes thank you! Right now I have at home:

    Blue Mountain coffee - Jamaica
    Cafe Santo Domingo - Dominican Republic
    Cafe Azotea - Guatemala
    Folgers - Black Silk

    All are bold yet smooth ground coffees, enjoyed black or with milk depending on the day. No need for sugar! This morning, Cafe Santo Domingo

  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I have tried the Gevila years ago It is smooth but no richer than any other I have tried. I think your water you use and fresh ground at home makes a difference in any coffee flavor. Love my coffee grinder! My fav believe this or not is Mcdonalds coffee, have them add an espresso shot, 1 cream two splenda..PERFECT. Rich in flavor not to strong not to weak, jusst right.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    I just recently jumped on the coffee bandwagon. I now really enjoy that morning cup of coffee. I use plain ole Folgers but I add a tablespoon of DeVinci SugarFree Flavored Syrups. Caramel and Hazelnut are my favorite. But, I do like the Vanilla at times. And the best part, calorie free. WooHoo!:drinker:
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I like Gevalia but I can buy it in the stores locally. I like Green Mountain and a Company called Door County. Door County has a flavor called Chocolate Cookie Dough that I love!
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    I drink Cameron's Kona Blend, this is what I'm drinking right now. I do like Dunkin Doughnuts coffee also. Now and then I'll stop at Starbucks for the FUFU coffee. I drink the Triple Tuxedo Mocha there. But my Kona blend is best for me. Tastes really good. Oh yeah,I also use sweet and low,no cream.
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    Well, I've eventually migrated to Starbucks (assuming you are speaking of nationally available brands). Moved away from Folgers, never thought a lot about Dunkin Donuts (mixed feelings at best). There are some local blends/roasts that are particualrly good but unless you wish to mail-order.

    So my Starbucks preference is as follows:

    Tribute (only available periodically and supply of the 2012 blend is nearly exhausted), a great four-bean blend of a medium roast.
    Gold coast (also known as "Morning Joe" blend),a darker roast.

    Pike Place: I'm really glad that Starbucks came up with a medium roast coffee of this consistency for both their stores and for general distribution. I probably drink more of this in a year than anything else (it is what we serve in our coffee room at work).

    House Blend- very similar to Pike Place and a medium roast.

    Christmas Blend -only avaialble at Christmas and a dark roast

    cafe Verona- dark Italian Roast

    Fair trade Italian roast.

    I like the "blonde roasts" but generally serve that to my non-Starbucks friends that balk at the stronger taste of the darker roasts (though to be honest, most of those people like the darker roast coffees when they are fresh and well-brewed...which I contend is an absolute necessity).

    Finally, when I'm traveling and there is no coffee shop nearby there is always Via which I have found to be a great cup of coffee from an instant.
  • jdruiz89
    jdruiz89 Posts: 42 Member
    I usually try to find whole bean over ground but some blends that I do enjoy are only ground available. I do use filtered refrigerator water and I use a percolator.

    I did notice walking through the coffee isle one day that Derp-Mart (Wal-Mart) sold Gevalia. The bag look luring but at the same time skeptical.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Invest in a Keurig and keep a variety of flavors. BELIEVE ME. It will change your life.

    My favorites are Tully's Italian Roast, Donut House, and Dark Magic.
  • jdruiz89
    jdruiz89 Posts: 42 Member
    I am assuming here but wouldn't Keurig cups have more of a cheap plastic taste? I've seen them and have seen people use but I always shunned them.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I am assuming here but wouldn't Keurig cups have more of a cheap plastic taste? I've seen them and have seen people use but I always shunned them.

    Not at all. Every single cup is hot and fresh. Use distilled water in the maker. Every cup comes out spectacular.
  • jdruiz89
    jdruiz89 Posts: 42 Member
    I guess when I the lottery I will look into investing in one maybe. My 20 dollar percolator is more appealing.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I've been using a french press. Will be reading this thread for recommendations on that!

    I love a strong flavor of coffee, not too bitter, or with a watery or metal taste. Yuck! So I filter the water and add a little cream and (sometimes) sugar.

    By no means am I addicted to coffee but when I was working it was my morning and midmorning ritual!