Looking for some inspirational/motivational friends!

Hey! I've been around on this site for a while, but so far, I've had a pretty difficult time sticking to the goals I set for myself and motivating myself to work out every day. I figured that finding some friends on this site might be a good way to go! I'm 22, currently 136 lbs and looking to lose 10-15 lbs and tone up a bit. Feel free to add me - maybe we can help each other out! :)


  • violetta88
    violetta88 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi! My stats/situation is quite similar to yours - I'm 23, looking to lose about 20lbs, currently at 145. I've also been around for a while but keep falling off the wagon!

    I don't know about inspirational, but I can certainly be motivational - sending you a FR :smile: