Net vs. Gross Calories Burned

I have seen several posts about the difference between what the treadmill says a person burns and what MFP or similar sites say a person burned during a particular exercise. I came across this website and found an interesting article. I am fairly new to my new healthy journey and just trying to be smart about what I do so I know nothing about this sites credibility but found the article interesting. /articles/net-versus-gross-calorie-burn.aspx


  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    thanks for the link. after doing some calculations I am glad I choose not to eat back most of my exercise calories. I leave room for error in calories burned vs calories consumed and logged from nutrition data. I also round down my calories from hrm anyway to net burned when I log. I don't feel hungry so I don't think I am depriving myself. I am set at calories for losing 1 lb per week. but if I wanted to lose more Mfp would have put me to 1200 anyway. so don't feel its a huge deal to not "eat back calories" if not hungry. thanks again