Hello friends!

Hello, I am Stacey and I am a thirty four year old single mom of an eight year old boy. I am pretty new to MFP, I have been on here almost a week. I am looking for friends to serve as a support system. I love seeing friends successes and don't mind helping them up when they fall. This is the first time ever that I admit I can't make this journey alone. I have a lot of weight to lose (around 175 lbs) to get healthy and fit for my son. I have struggle with weight pretty much since my junior high years, and strict diets do not work for me. They helps me shed pounds but in the end I want "regular" food and cheating leads to a downward spiral where I always ended up gaining more weight than I lost. So far I like the goals set with MFP. I see this as a manageable lifestyle change that will help create a better me. I love reading about the success stories and I hope to be posting one of my own a couple of years from now.


  • Veronika82
    Veronika82 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm pretty new myself - feel free to add me. :-)
    I'd love to make new friends!