New Member

I just joined and I'm hoping to start losing the weight. It says I should be on a 1200 cal diet for the weight I want to lose. This is all so new to me, even the message board is new to me. Any suggestions on what to eat and how to stay in the 1200 cal range would be appreciated. All of this is a little intimidating.
Thank You!


  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    Hi Michelle and welcome to the family on here.

    If you avoid junk food and sweets, you should get a good start. Don´t worry, your diet you can adjust along the way. If you keep your diary open, people can comment and give suggestions. Mine is open for the same reason. But I get it if you want this to be personal! And some kind of exercise is importent also. It can be as easy as a long walk or something else. The more you exercise, the more calories you get to eat for.

    Don´t feel intimidated. Almost everybody here is very nice and supportive. If you need friends, you just write a post to ask for some, or look at Introducing Yourself or Support and Motivation to look for others, who need supportive friends. It´s very easy.

    And remember to be patient! Things don´t change overnight.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, if you want to. Maybe we don´t have a lot in common, but I like to support others. And I won´t feel offended if you don´t want to; but please send a little message with the request. I usually don´t accept random requests from strangers.

    Good luck on your journey. I hope you will reach your goal!

    Good luck on your jurney
  • alipene
    alipene Posts: 945 Member
    Hi Michelle, some excellent advice has just been given! I'm a similar age to you and also working with 1200 cals so if you'd like to add me as a friend I'd be happy to support you :)