keeping it going

I have lost 76lbs since the middle of January. I really find that the calorie counting helps me completely. I am trying to get away from daily weigh ins as i know it is counter productive and can drive me nuts!! I have dropped 5 dress sizes going from a size 24 to a 12-14 now. It has become a way of life now but i find consistently that i will have a good week and lose between 3 and 5 lbs and then have a week or 2 where i lose a small amount or remain the same. can be hard to stay motivated but i try to focus on the difference in the fit of my clothes and fitness and energy levels rather that just the scales alone. Have around 24lbs to go and i really want to keep up the focus.


  • pinkupooh
    pinkupooh Posts: 155
    CONGRATULATIONS on losing 76lb, that is a BIG accomplishment.
    I have also lost about 10 lb since beginning of April, but now I am not losing consistently, so I am finding it hard to keep it going as well. I am also size 14 and want to lose at least 30 more lb....:( any tips from you or anyone else on MFP are most welcome.,
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    Hey, don't worry. Maybe my experience will help... I started my journey on 3rd Jan 2012 and I too was obsessed with the scale and those darn numbers. Initially, like you, they went down pretty consistantly but then stalled - for 10 WEEKS! This is not my usual pattern and I got a bit down about it too. Until I realised that because I am exercising so much the inches were going down massively so gradually I left off weighing every day/week/month! Now I only get weighed about once every 10 weeks and if I have a sneaky weigh in before that sometimes I see no change, but other times there is a big change. There seems to be no pattern.

    So I guess you can take from this what you will, but try not to get too down about it and keep up the good work. You have come so far, you owe it to yourself. Well done and keep smiling x
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    Those times when you are still doing everything right and not losing any weight are a true test of your resolve.
    Stay on the path and things will pick up again..
    Backed by absolutely no scientific data at all i think there are points when your body just refuses to cooperate:sad: