I can't eat 2,000 calories for dinner...

So I have never been able to reach my calorie goal daily. Now that I'm working out, it's even more frustrating to watch my calorie goal go up and knowing I can't get to it. Like today, my calorie goal is 2800. Through breakfast and lunch I am up to 800+ calories. That leaves 2000 and one meal.

I see some people who eat anything to reach their goal.. but I feel like eating junkfood is taboo.. plus I had pizza last night lol and don't want to flub today too.



  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    Make some Elvis bars... it's pretty much oatmeal, [dark] chocolate, peanut butter and banana. High in calories, yet not so bad w/ nutrition. And it's frickin' delicious lol
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Mid-Morning and Mid-Afternoon Snacking. (Nuts/Peanut Butter/Greek Yoghurt/Avocado/Prawns) Throw in a banana and peanut butter milkshake and you'll be amazed how fast your calories mount up :wink:
  • willot0722
    willot0722 Posts: 51 Member
    Make some Elvis bars... it's pretty much oatmeal, [dark] chocolate, peanut butter and banana. High in calories, yet not so bad w/ nutrition. And it's frickin' delicious lol

    Sounds great, I'll look up a recipe! Unless you have one... lol
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    Well, I wish (sometimes) i had that problem. Actually, I had something similar happen - I had eaten extremely healthy food that was very filling and low cal - and had a LARGE amount of calories AFTER dinner to use up or something close to it.. I was stuffed at that point and just gave up.

    That said, I honestly can't think HOW to get that amount in in one meal without having some non-uber healthy foods. You could EASILY hit it with a bacon double cheeseburger and a milkshake (probably OVER 2000 calories)... although the thought of such a thing makes me gag now. I rarely crave that stuff anymore. Pizza? Sure.. :) and maybe a homemade cheeseburger, but not the fast food variety.

    Anyhow - I don't think you have much hope of hitting that with healthy foods(which may not be a priority for you anyhow) - you could do some milk and 4tlbspns of peanut butter on whole grain bread -- just that alone would be about 700-800 calories. Maybe do that for a snack? then you only have 1200 to worry about for dinner.

    Good luck! oh, and tell me, HOW do you get to eat that many calories?!! lol. My maintenance is around 2400 give or take. I can't imagine getting to diet with 2800!! :) GOOD LUCK!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    I haven't been a member long, but have read a lot of message board conversations about this. Some individuals say don't eat your exercise calories and other individuals say do eat your exercise calories. I, myself, am spiting the difference some days. If I am hungry I eat no more than half the calories back. By eating no more than half the calories back I am assured that I am not going over my calorie allotment that could be created from over estimated exercise calories. I do feel it is important to supply the body with the nutrients that is needs.

    I hope this helps and good luck
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    I haven't been a member long, but have read a lot of message board conversations about this. Some individuals say don't eat your exercise calories and other individuals say do eat your exercise calories. I, myself, am spiting the difference some days. If I am hungry I eat no more than half the calories back. By eating no more than half the calories back I am assured that I am not going over my calorie allotment that could be created from over estimated exercise calories. I do feel it is important to supply the body with the nutrients that is needs.

    I hope this helps and good luck

    yes this can be confusing - I think what happens is, that MFP by default sets you at a level that you should eat back your exercise calories. If you are using an alternate calculation, one that goes off of total daily expenditure of calories, those calculations already figure in your activity so no need to eat them back. Personal preference. if I go with a goal of 1400-1500/day, then I'd eat them back(For me), if I went for a goal of 1700-1800 calories a day- using one of the mentioned calculations, i'd not eat them back since it's already accounted for. Anyhow, thought I'd mention that if it helps.
  • willot0722
    willot0722 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks, and my daily goal is 1950 but like I said, my workouts have been crazy so that ups my calorie goal. Peanut butter seems to be the way everyone says to get some calories. Those Elvis bars the second poster mentioned sound really yummy but the recipe I looked up had sooo much sugar! So I'm not sure yet, but I know I won't make the goal for today. I guess I'm just looking for some general advice since I have this problem every day.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    OK, just had a quick browse through your diary. Couple of suggestions

    For breakfast, try and aim for 500-600 calories. I would go for a big bowl of oatmeal (not instant) with toppings of choice. Banana and Maple syrup is my favourite but you can pretty much add in anything you like. Try to avoid the Bacon and fried foods as much as possible. Wholegrain - low salt low sugar is the way to go here.

    Have a mid morning snack between breakfast and lunch, Nuts and fruit is always a good choice or peanut butter on a wholewheat bagel. Aim for 200-300 calories or even more depending how much you need

    For Lunch, again aim for 500-600 calories,

    Mid afternoon snack - again 200-300 calories, Milkshake or some greek yoghurt with fruits. I like hummous with carrot sticks. Salad with eggs/avocado/prawn/cheese etc etc etc

    Dinner - Mine usually come in around 800ish. Eat pretty much what you like here. Any calories left over have a nice dessert or a glass of wine or some chocolate. Treat yourself. You've earned it with all the work you've done :drinker:
  • willot0722
    willot0722 Posts: 51 Member
    So nice, thank you!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Definitly work on adding more food throughout the day, try getting to 500-600 for breakfast and lunch and another 600 in snacks and that will drop dinner down, and look to add calorie dense things like nut butters, avocados, healthy oils and plenty of protein.

    Must ask though: how did you arrive at such a high number??? I couldn't imagine having that as my goal every day!
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    I wouldnt bother with those elvis bars, coz after looking up recipe they look mega high in cals.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I wouldnt bother with those elvis bars, coz after looking up recipe they look mega high in cals.
    That's the point! Lol
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Also looking at your diary it looks like you're stuck (like lots of us get!!) in the "lighter is better" mindset. You could easily bump your cals by swapping out your light yogurt for regular (I love chobani and fage 2% Greek yogurt, they taste like cheesecake!) switch to 2% milk, use milk when you make your oatmeal (I use half walk water half almond milk and stir in an egg at the end) and increase your meat serving sizes, you're eating 1oz at a time and you should be doing 4-8. Good luck!'
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    I haven't been a member long, but have read a lot of message board conversations about this. Some individuals say don't eat your exercise calories and other individuals say do eat your exercise calories. I, myself, am spiting the difference some days. If I am hungry I eat no more than half the calories back. By eating no more than half the calories back I am assured that I am not going over my calorie allotment that could be created from over estimated exercise calories. I do feel it is important to supply the body with the nutrients that is needs.

    I hope this helps and good luck

    yes this can be confusing - I think what happens is, that MFP by default sets you at a level that you should eat back your exercise calories. If you are using an alternate calculation, one that goes off of total daily expenditure of calories, those calculations already figure in your activity so no need to eat them back. Personal preference. if I go with a goal of 1400-1500/day, then I'd eat them back(For me), if I went for a goal of 1700-1800 calories a day- using one of the mentioned calculations, i'd not eat them back since it's already accounted for. Anyhow, thought I'd mention that if it helps.

    Yes, that does make sense and help thank you.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I read once eat breakfast like a king lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. If you have that many calories left you aren't eating enough befor that time of day. Try adding nuts or peanut butter or avocado.p, higher calories but still good for you if you are working out that much.

    In looking over you exercise log are you using a heart rate monitor for calculating your calories. I only ask because the numbers look very high for burn. You may not need to eat that much. I work out very hard intense work am very fit and my hrm only has me at 400 calories for an hour on many activities. You are burning 1000 on circuit training, I ran 17 miles tha am in 3 hours faster than my training pace and still only burned 2k. I would question where you are getting those numbers.
  • willot0722
    willot0722 Posts: 51 Member
    I read once eat breakfast like a king lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. If you have that many calories left you aren't eating enough befor that time of day. Try adding nuts or peanut butter or avocado.p, higher calories but still good for you if you are working out that much.

    In looking over you exercise log are you using a heart rate monitor for calculating your calories. I only ask because the numbers look very high for burn. You may not need to eat that much. I work out very hard intense work am very fit and my hrm only has me at 400 calories for an hour on many activities. You are burning 1000 on circuit training, I ran 17 miles tha am in 3 hours faster than my training pace and still only burned 2k. I would question where you are getting those numbers.

    Everyone says that...... heavier people burn more calories in less time than thin people.
  • willot0722
    willot0722 Posts: 51 Member
    OK, just had a quick browse through your diary. Couple of suggestions

    Try to avoid the Bacon and fried foods as much as possible. Wholegrain - low salt low sugar is the way to go here.

    It's low sodium turkey bacon, and I microwave it. Very lean and no fried food here!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    OK, just had a quick browse through your diary. Couple of suggestions

    Try to avoid the Bacon and fried foods as much as possible. Wholegrain - low salt low sugar is the way to go here.

    It's low sodium turkey bacon, and I microwave it. Very lean and no fried food here!

    dont give up bacon, thats masochistic!!!
  • josyjozy
    josyjozy Posts: 117 Member
    make sure to adjust your calorie goal every five pounds lost. I usually eat between 1600 and 1700 and it's pretty rare I feel hungry. I do breakfast, late morning snack, lunch, late afternoon snack, dinner - and occasionally I'll have fruit or yogurt desert if I have the calories to spare. I am lucky to have a job that I actually work with a dietitian twice a month (My doctor does weight management clinics) and I ran my calories past her. A few times I was only netting 1000 calories. I would consume more, but after exercise was subtracted I had 1000ish calories. She told me as long as I keep consuming, and try to keep the net at 1200 or higher. So that's what I do. I stopped logging my exercise and if I hit 1600 calories I'm good with that. I don't worry too much about my net calories because I know I've consumed healthy and adequate food. Also, if I still feel hungry at an off time, I eat something healthy and I don't worry about it because I know I have a buffer zone. I've been losing weight consistently with diet change and calorie deficit and not much exercise some days, and none at all other days. Yes I plan on increasing exercise, but I'm concentrating on stamina while it's sooo hot outside.
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    I don't see how your base goal can be set to 1,900 and you're still expected to lose weight...? If you set your activity level to active then I don't think you're expected to eat back your exercise calories if it's that particular exercise that makes you qualify as "active".
    Just my $0.02 :smile: