
Hi my name is Megan, and I am trying to get in shape for a mini triathlon that I have coming up in August. I am really nervous when it comes to the actual race, but I am trying to eat more healthy and get in shape. I was wondering if there was anyone else out there who is training for something, or is trying to eat more healthy that could or wants to help me out?


  • gone54321
    gone54321 Posts: 19
    Hi Megan sending add request for you, I have been doing triathlons for the last two years and anything I can help with I would be more than happy to share, I am just a normal guy who enjoys the sport...
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Hi Megan. I did my first sprint tri two years ago. I am currently training for my first olympic distance in August. The bike part is still pretty scary for me, but I'm managing. Good luck with your training!
  • kellibean13
    kellibean13 Posts: 92 Member
    Megan, I started competing in triathlons last year, so I'm still fairly new - but I would love to share my experiences, training and thoughts with you. Sending a friend request your way!
  • Training2Tri
    Training2Tri Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Megan,

    I'm training for my first Olympic Distance Tri on July 8, 2012. Best of luck with your training!

  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    Hi Megan!

    Triathlons are like roller coaster rides: They're really scary when you're at the top looking down. But once you start rumbling down, they're pure adrenaline and excitement. In short, if you can stomach all the fear you'll experience leading up to race day, once you're finished you'll be happier than you ever imagined.

    Trust your instincts, train the best that you know how, ask lots of questions (there are a couple of really great triathlon forums here on MFP), and soak up advice like a sponge. People on the tri forums are amazing sources of spectacular advice for people from novices to iron men/women. They're also wonderful sources of inspiration and motivation.

    Good training, good racing, and above all else, never forget to have fun. It'll get scary, on that you can bet the farm. But the truth is, triathlon racing is unutterably exciting. You'll be hooked by the time you make it to T2.

  • Cgirlish
    Cgirlish Posts: 263 Member
    friend request sent