If you could only buy packaged or "just heat" foods...



  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I do like Lean Cuisines on the weekdays with a salad. Most people on here seem to hate them and complain that they have too much sodium which is partly true. I like them and majority of the time I am under my sodium. They are quick, easy, and not bad on the calories. I try to cook on the weekends though. The boy likes the Healthy Choice Steamers. I do love the steam bags of frozen veggies. Quick and easy. If you have the time, put a bunch of stuff in a crockpot on the weekend and freeze it for the rest of the week or make a variety.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Lately I have been trying to buy all fresh foods but my schedule is forcing me to throw out tons of yummy foods since I barely eat at home! I'm curious what packaged "just heat" foods is on everyone's shopping list. Also frozen meals you heat up on the stove are fine too.

    I'm thinking of buying some of those Voila! Chicken Alfredo bags and portioning it up. I would attempt to cook all from scratch but I hate my own cooking :P

    I would starve before eating that crap so called food.

    Cook up a bunch of stuff and cut up fresh veggies and ruit on the weekend so you have stuff packaged for the week on the go.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    The sodium content in packaged foods tends to be too high. I use frozen vegetables if I have to.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Sorry wrong post!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    package food = toxic preservatives = cancer
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    For the past two weeks I have been having Campbells Healthy Selections lite vegetable soups....they fill me up and if I take it for lucnch I either bring a salad to work or buy a small side salad.
  • ShyFeather
    ShyFeather Posts: 138 Member
    Does your grocery store carry prechopped vegetables? You can probably by already chopped peppers, onions, some chicken breast in a casserole dish and throw it in the oven. Would be no different than a packaged meal and then you would cut all that sodium out of it. You could also look into crock-pot recipes. They are great for just throwing everything in there and let it cook all day. Just trying to throw some ideas out there as buying packaged foods may not be the only solution. You may just need simpler recipes.
  • rehey
    rehey Posts: 6
    When I get crazy busy (i.e. most of the time) I try to make large batches of healthy freezable things in the cracks of my schedule. Two of my favorites are okawa (formed into single-portions before freezing) (recipe here:http://justbento.com/handbook/recipe-collection-mains/okowa-sticky-rice-with-all-kinds-good-things), and Nikuman (a variation on dim sum dumplings, recipe here: http://norecipes.com/blog/nikuman-baozi-recipe/). I'll make something like 20 servings at a time, so it's nowhere near a weekly process - maybe once or twice a month I'll go on a cooking spree. A lot of soups freeze well too. It's way cheaper than pre-packaged dinners (except, like, ramen), and healthier too. Plus, it helps you use up those yummy fresh foods before they go bad!
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    I don't think of frozen veggies as being in the same category as microwave meals. I mean, there's just veggies in there if you buy the plain ones, not a bunch of other crap. We keep a lot of frozen veggies in our freezer because even though fresh veggies are the best, they don't stay fresh for long and it's hard to keep the kitchen stocked with them all the time.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Why not use those fresh ingredients to make whatever meals you like, then freeze them and heat them in the microwave just like you would with the pre-packaged stuff?
  • Kcarroll01
    Kcarroll01 Posts: 18
    For lunches at work, I make chopped salads of fresh veggies like cukes, mushrooms, green onion, tomatoes, and sprouts. I package them up in tupperware containers. Then, I use Newmans Own Sesame Ginger low fat dressing...yummy! You could probably add some tuna (without the mayo) to the salad too :)
  • Kcarroll01
    Kcarroll01 Posts: 18
    EEK! Well that certainly puts things into perspective. I buy lean cuisine and weight watcher frozen meals. This makes me think twice. Not even joking....that could be a public announcement poster.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Aren't microwave/package meals high in salt and sugar? Even the 'healthy' ones. If I don't have time to cook I find things like poached egg on toast are quick and easy.
  • Kcarroll01
    Kcarroll01 Posts: 18
    package food = toxic preservatives = cancer

    EEK! Well that certainly puts things into perspective. I buy lean cuisine and weight watcher frozen meals. This makes me think twice. Not even joking....that could be a public announcement poster.
  • cabbagesoupnala
    Trader Joes "Just Chicken " its just a package of yummy healthy chicken you can add that to anything from a bag of salad mix to any sauce.

    I love it, but you are paying a lot more...
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    make your own just heat foods. It's simple enough.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Can't you purchase one of those machines that suck out all the air out of the pouches and then you can just throw that in and heat and eat almost anything. While I'm not so sure about all the microwaving going on until a study comes and says it's bad for you I guess I'll keep doing it.
  • dvnjustina
    dvnjustina Posts: 114 Member
    I don't try to buy pre-packaged meals because we are seriously cutting back on processed foods. My freezer is full of portioned meats, frozen fruits and veggies and a few breakfast items. I have a few cans of soup, boxed potatoes and pasta/rice mixes. I cook for my husband and daughter, and I find it easier and more practical to just make a from scratch meal than to fix something out of a box.
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    package food = toxic preservatives = cancer

    EEK! Well that certainly puts things into perspective. I buy lean cuisine and weight watcher frozen meals. This makes me think twice. Not even joking....that could be a public announcement poster.

    But it's mostly not true:

  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    I LOVE the Weight Watchers Healthy Choice pepperoni pizza and the smart ones three cheese marinara!! They are fast and so good. They do have a little more sodium than I'd want in just the one thing, but if oyu just balance it with the other meals in your day you'll be fine. They are so good and worth it, cheap too :)