Excited to begin my journey to a healthier me!

Hello all,

I am 36 and am looking to start living a healthier lifestyle in general, I have been logging my food and the little bit of exercise I have been doing on MFP faithfully for about two weeks. I had spine surgery last December, and until recently was in too much pain to exercise much outside of physical therapy. I have been eating better and less simply as a result of recording my meals on MFP, and have lost 6lbs so far. YAY!! I am definitely going to keep it up, and hope to build up my exercise. I would like to lost about 30 more lbs. I like walking, yoga (which I have just started and would love to pursue), and meditation. I can use all the support I can get...anyone interested in being my pal so we can support each other? Good luck to everyone!



  • Helooooooooo, and welcome to hell !! Lol, its not hell, it's been fun and im well chuffed with how i've done so far. Dont get me wrong some days you'll want to scream, thats ok. If you cheat you're only cheating yourself. You dont have to give up ANY food, as long as you are true with the calories then you'll be just fine. I have a kit kat every day :-)
  • biddy36
    biddy36 Posts: 5 Member
    I agree you can still have the things you like only in moderation! Really easy to get a hang of, I love walking as my main exercise. Would love some support too :)
  • JanetteL73
    JanetteL73 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Amy! I'm new here too! Congratulations on your weight loss already! I'm trying to figure it all out. I have 60lbs to lose! I'll be your pal, I'm all alone so far! Yoga sounds great to me too and eventually I'd like to find a class. It really appeals to me to have the strength and flexability that I see in people who do yoga. I also want to try to run/walk...but its 100 degrees where I live so I'm having a challenge getting going on that. Anyway, nice to meet you!
  • vibegirl
    vibegirl Posts: 69 Member
    Hi Amy

    Welcome...and good for you for already see progress from healthy changes!

    I am a fan of yoga and meditation and when I stick with yoga, I really feel the difference! The meditation is wonderful too-that I do daily...start with 5 minutes if you have to...but just take time for you! I started by going to youtube and typing in 'guided meditation' and found quite a few I like.

    Best to you!

  • Thanks to you all for the wonderful and warm welcome! I am so excited that everyone is so supportive and friendly! Please add me if I didn't add you already. Is it possible for us to do any sort of group yoga/meditation class online? I just got my computer a couple months ago (last one was stolen years ago) and am new to this stuff. Katy, I would love any suggestion on youtube choices for free yoga/meditation, I like Soundstrue too, they do have some free classes that I enoy. Right now I am restricted to light and adaptive yoga, but can walk as much as I want, but it's hot here too !! And I love to eat what I love just not as much, but have seen how I have been eating way too many calories in the past and not exercising enough. Would love to have all of your support. Best, Amy
  • indygo13
    indygo13 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Amy,

    Its cool to see your so involved on this here MFP.. I have been using it sporadically for over a year and i JUST NOW fille out my profile!! I have a feeling I was not making the most of it!! As it appears you really are!!
  • haw160
    haw160 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm trying a healthier me, too! I wish you the best in your journey.
  • Amy,

    Welcome to MFP. Good Luck.

    I too had back problems, broke my back, but it was inoperable. When I was finally able to walk, I would walk to one mailbox and home. VERY PAINFUL . Built that up to 3 miles but it took about a year. Anyhow I learned riding bike really helps to build up the back muscles. I got an air-dyne and rode it a lot . That really helps a lot.

    Now I ride my mountain bike every day, and love it.

    Happy to have you on MFP.

  • Hi Jackie,

    Thank you!! Sorry to hear about your back problems, I can definitely relate! Not sure how I injured mine, but I had a very serious herniated disc which required surgery. I couldn't do anything prior to my spine operation because I had terrible pain in both legs from my disc pressing on my spinal cord. Thankfully, the discectomy helped and I am feeling much better these days. It was actually a blessing, as I learned a lot about using my core, and was able to incorporate Pilates and yoga in my physical therapy. I really learned a lot about my body and how to properly lift and what exercises work best. I love that you are using a bike. I am dying to get a stationary bike, as that is a great exercise for people with back issues, you got that right!! What would you recommend if I am just getting started as far as a stationary bike? Good luck to you!! MFP is great...

  • Thank you and good luck to you as well!! I appreciate the note and have great friends on here that give me hell when I disappear for a while, which I greatly appreciate. It is because of them (and you!) that I am back on and plan to get back on track...TODAY!!
  • Not as involved as you might think. Good intentions, and all the jazz, lol! Thanks for checking in on me! Happy to see you are doing so well.
  • Gatortrans
    Gatortrans Posts: 3 Member
    I am just starting today. I have a lot to lose by am going to try to do it one step at a time. Hang in there!:smile: