Cardio workouts

In aug. of last year I dislocated my kneecap and it did not heal right still have problems with it. I need some cardio workouts other then running because I am scared to do much that effects my knee. Luckly I already lost 70lbs before I hurt my knee but now Im having a hard time dropping pounds and I know it lack of cardio

I was thinking of cycleing but can not afford one right now ,I've tried just walking but I get bored with that.
Any other fat burning workouts that have low impact on the knee?


  • aztec1966
    aztec1966 Posts: 12
    Lookup cardio workouts at home on youtube.
  • jhankard
    jhankard Posts: 1
    I definitely understand where you are coming from. Earlier this year I suffered from a back injury that made exercise with any sort of impact out of the question. I started walking, but when you're used to being active that sort of thing is super frustrating! Have you thought of swimming? You can get a great cardio workout by swimming sprints and the benefits of resistance training :) I actually joined a masters team in February, but you can look up workouts online too. Good luck!
  • firecraker05
    firecraker05 Posts: 41 Member
    I dislocated my kneecap frequently in high school, and finally had surgery my senior year. The reason mine was dislocating was because my inner quad muscle was much weaker than my outer quad muscle. The doctor sent me to physical therapy to build up my quad muscles in general. Building up that muscle helped me quite a bit, because my knee felt more stable in general. After not doing the exercises for some time I lost the strength in those muscles and it began dislocating again. Just recently I have started going the the gym regularly to build my quads. What I used for cardio was the elliptical because there was not as much impact on my knee joint (swimming would also be another option). Now that I feel I have stronger quads again I have started using the treadmill for running and haven't had any problems. Hope this helps...