Vegetarian high-protein diet ideas? :]



  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Bump. And thanks for the mung bean info.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Orowheat makes a protein enriched bread that is whole grain, soft, and very delicious. It is also 80 calories a slice, which as sandwich bread goes isn't bad.

    Bang for your buck protein: PB, peanuts, black beans, fat free refried beans, any bean you like (and you can do dried and soak them yourself for even more dollar streching), edamame, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, eggs, quinoa, pasta enriched with protein (egg noodles especially).

    I love tofu, especially baked and seasoned with curry or tandoori. I also like it patted dry and sprinkled with green onions and soy sauce. Make sure you're getting extra firm. I get light tofu, too, which is lower in calories and fat.

    I love vegetarian burgers that you buy in the frozen section. I also get Quorn cutlets and "turkey" burgers and the soy bacon. I've heard great things about the sausage links, too. Morningstar farms is my favorite brand. Trader Joe's also makes a mean Indian style veggie burger that is DELICIOUS.

    Good luck!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Thanks a lot to take in....I have been sick, but I will read all of this in more detail asap. I maybe should give tofu another chance..I will look up a few recipes, or try seasoning some and tossing it in my 45 calorie soup. Thanks everyone! :]