eating enough calories but staying under



  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I will be honest and say I didn't read through every single post in this thread. I'm just not that patient, but I will throw in my "advice" and thoughts. ;)

    If you're boyfriend is not supportive, it happens. My husband (bless his little heart) is a jerk when it comes to my diet and exercise. LOL He just doesn't care. He doesn't like to hear about it. He doesn't like to talk about it. That's just something I have to deal with. Now, he married me when I was much much heavier than I am today, and he is HAPPY with the way I look now. He just doesn't like to hear me talk about my workouts or diet. I have a rule in my house. I cook. You eat what I cook. If you do not LIKE what I cook, you have a few options. You can cook for yourself, eat cereal (or sandwiches or whatever else we have that doesn't involve cooking), or starve. :) See! Not so hard! There are some nights my husband just doesn't like what I cook so he eats cereal. He likes cereal so he doesn't complain. LOL My diet and exercise is for ME. Nobody else. I refuse to let anybody get in my way.

    Second, finding healthy food in Walmart is fairly easy. You just need to know what to shop for you and how to cook it! ;) Raw veggies and fruit is ideal of course. We are a single income family. I have 2 children. We live on a tight budget. My husband gets paid every 2 weeks therefore I make a grocery list that will get us through 2 weeks and I leave enough space in our budget for us to shop for more fresh fruit and vegetables as needed. Doing this took some discipline. I sit down with my calendar. I leave 1 day a week for leftovers (Thursday is leftover night since Friday is trash day). I plan accordingly. If you need recipes, feel free to message me! I have mountains of them. ;) You can also find MANY healthy recipes online. We eat only whole grains and brown rice, fresh fruit and veggies, and lean cuts of meat. I will not say I'm perfect by any means. I enjoy junk food just as much as the next person! My butt wouldn't be this big if I didn't! ;) I just limit it. I don't coupon because I'm not patient, but I spend far less on groceries than many of my friends do because I plan.

    Third, my heartrate monitor cost me about $30. My husband's cost us a little more than $100. Is his nicer than mine? YEP! Does he use his? NOPE! I am happy with my cheapo HR monitor. Yes, I have to press a button to get a reading, but I still get a pretty accurate reading. If finding the extra money to buy a HR monitor is a problem, make budget cuts of put any loose change or dollar bills into a jar until you can get one. I was overestimating my calorie burn for certain workouts and underestimating for others.

    Sorry. I'm long winded. LOL I don't post here often, but I remember how I felt when I first started my weight loss. I was very clueless (not saying you are, but I honestly was). I didn't know what to shop for. I didn't know how to cook. I was the queen of boxed meals. I wish you the best of luck!!
  • niciemetts
    niciemetts Posts: 49
    I will be honest and say I didn't read through every single post in this thread. I'm just not that patient, but I will throw in my "advice" and thoughts. ;)

    If you're boyfriend is not supportive, it happens. My husband (bless his little heart) is a jerk when it comes to my diet and exercise. LOL He just doesn't care. He doesn't like to hear about it. He doesn't like to talk about it. That's just something I have to deal with. Now, he married me when I was much much heavier than I am today, and he is HAPPY with the way I look now. He just doesn't like to hear me talk about my workouts or diet. I have a rule in my house. I cook. You eat what I cook. If you do not LIKE what I cook, you have a few options. You can cook for yourself, eat cereal (or sandwiches or whatever else we have that doesn't involve cooking), or starve. :) See! Not so hard! There are some nights my husband just doesn't like what I cook so he eats cereal. He likes cereal so he doesn't complain. LOL My diet and exercise is for ME. Nobody else. I refuse to let anybody get in my way.

    Second, finding healthy food in Walmart is fairly easy. You just need to know what to shop for you and how to cook it! ;) Raw veggies and fruit is ideal of course. We are a single income family. I have 2 children. We live on a tight budget. My husband gets paid every 2 weeks therefore I make a grocery list that will get us through 2 weeks and I leave enough space in our budget for us to shop for more fresh fruit and vegetables as needed. Doing this took some discipline. I sit down with my calendar. I leave 1 day a week for leftovers (Thursday is leftover night since Friday is trash day). I plan accordingly. If you need recipes, feel free to message me! I have mountains of them. ;) You can also find MANY healthy recipes online. We eat only whole grains and brown rice, fresh fruit and veggies, and lean cuts of meat. I will not say I'm perfect by any means. I enjoy junk food just as much as the next person! My butt wouldn't be this big if I didn't! ;) I just limit it. I don't coupon because I'm not patient, but I spend far less on groceries than many of my friends do because I plan.

    Third, my heartrate monitor cost me about $30. My husband's cost us a little more than $100. Is his nicer than mine? YEP! Does he use his? NOPE! I am happy with my cheapo HR monitor. Yes, I have to press a button to get a reading, but I still get a pretty accurate reading. If finding the extra money to buy a HR monitor is a problem, make budget cuts of put any loose change or dollar bills into a jar until you can get one. I was overestimating my calorie burn for certain workouts and underestimating for others.

    Sorry. I'm long winded. LOL I don't post here often, but I remember how I felt when I first started my weight loss. I was very clueless (not saying you are, but I honestly was). I didn't know what to shop for. I didn't know how to cook. I was the queen of boxed meals. I wish you the best of luck!!

    I totally agree...... i am the boss around here...........if you don't like what i am fixin.........go elsewhere lol
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Another thing to consider is that while you say you are staying away from the fatty foods suggested to help you reach your calorie goal, what you are currently eating is actually hugely high in fat, especially the nasties like saturated and trans fats. Eating like this is probably why you have had to have your gall bladder out at such a young age, and if it was me I'd be seriuosly worried about my heart health.

    MFP has a really useful report function - you can look back over a week, month, or quarter and select a type of nutrition to look at. You could look at sodium, saturated fat, and trans fats on the one hand, and vitamin intake (there's a list to choose from for all these thing and more). That way you could get an idea of what your diet is really like, in nutritional terms, over time, and it might help you decide what changes to make.

    I hope all these responses are helpful - some have been blunt, but none that I've seen is harsh, and I do hope that the advice is useful.

    actually my gallbladder came out because i had 4 pregnancies. (doctors said that) and that i lost a bunch of weight (another reason. when i was younger i ate much more healthier but my bf is the reason i started to eat worse. i got tired of having to eat seperate from him so i ate what he eats and hes not worried about his weight.

    Gallbladder are almost always related to dietary fat and/or hereditary factors, pregnancy and weight loss would not cause them