I want this so bad..but I'm so scared to fail!



  • ypod375
    ypod375 Posts: 2
    Hey you were fearfully (in the reverence sense of the word) and wonderfully made don't let anyone tell you otherwise, even yourself. :)
  • trblmakr23
    trblmakr23 Posts: 44
    It is a process..it does take time you can do it. I go through the same things. Just try to stay away from things that will trigger you. Sometimes people's profile pics in the forums here are triggering to me so I'll stay away from the forums, till I'm stronger. I won't look at friends diaries if I know that's going to trigger me to restrict. I'll even hide posts in my feeds if it's triggering. Have your bf not tell you how much he's lost if you're not comfortable just let him know its very triggering for you. If he cares he'll understand, or really strive to understand.

    Just need to try to remember it's not a competition between you too. You're both working towards better goals for yourselves and you'll both get there with time and patience. Who cares who loses more weight first, and how fast., it's not about that. :) You can do it.
  • elenakristine
    elenakristine Posts: 29 Member
    It is a process..it does take time you can do it. I go through the same things. Just try to stay away from things that will trigger you. Sometimes people's profile pics in the forums here are triggering to me so I'll stay away from the forums, till I'm stronger. I won't look at friends diaries if I know that's going to trigger me to restrict. I'll even hide posts in my feeds if it's triggering. Have your bf not tell you how much he's lost if you're not comfortable just let him know its very triggering for you. If he cares he'll understand, or really strive to understand.

    Just need to try to remember it's not a competition between you too. You're both working towards better goals for yourselves and you'll both get there with time and patience. Who cares who loses more weight first, and how fast., it's not about that. :) You can do it.

    You're right, it's not a competition. I just wanna win anyway! Lol. It's crazy, I know. And like someone else pointed out, guys lose easier, I know this.
    I still have the urge to lose more.. I secretly like it when he eats a cinnamon bun for dessert and I don't, because then maybe, just maybe, I'll lose more than him. Which just makes me sound insane.. I mean, I love him, why would I not want him to be healthy?

    I guess with all your encouragement and wise words, I realise I should really get some therapy. The way I feel about this lifestyle change and my own weight isn't where it should be.

    Whenever people tell me I should be proud, that I'm doing good, that I'm on the right track - all I can think is "I could do better. I could lose more, I could lose faster. " It's never good enough, even when the only one I compete with is myself.

    I don't know if this is normal or not, but I guess it's not a bad thing to get help either way.
    Thank you
  • elenakristine
    elenakristine Posts: 29 Member
    I have lost over 100lbs, I have failed many times, I have stumbled. I have had my disappointments, my fears. I have been through every emotion weight loss related, I have done it all. There is one thing I never did, I never gave up. The best thing i can tell you is take your time be patient, you're developing habits that's your real goal. Habits of healthy eating and exercise, start slow and be patient. People fail when they get disappointed/discouraged, why do they do that? Because their expectation are too high. Let go of all expectations, just take proper actions towards healthy habits.

    Here is a video my friend made who also lost over 100lbs.


    Wow. That video literally made me cry. Very inspiring:)
  • elenakristine
    elenakristine Posts: 29 Member
    I need to lose about 100 lbs, maybe a little more. This was really inspiring, thank you. Gonna go over all the text, just had to look at the amazing pictures first. Hope I'll get there someday too!
  • brewerin
    brewerin Posts: 2
    Keep reminding yourself that weight loss is individual. Shows like the biggest loser annoy me because weight loss shouldn't be a competition, some people just naturally lose weight faster than others.

    When you keep telling yourself something, eventually you start to believe it. It's true with anything. So tell yourself that you need to eat my allotted number of calories because that is healthy, and will allow me to lose weight without slipping back into the eating disorder.

    And I'd also suggest now weighing yourself. If you can't weigh yourself, you'll have to judge your weight loss on other things like how you feel physically and emotionally, how your clothes fit and measurements. Just make sure you schedule your measurements so you don't do that too often either.